Bug #16324
closedEmpty reference index table
Hi all!
I've just installed Typo3 4.0 on my server.
Now, when I open the backend there's a notice field that reads:
"Important notice!
- The Reference Index table is empty which is likely to be the case because you just upgraded your TYPO3 source. Please go to Tools>DB Check and update the reference index.
It is highly recommended that you change this immediately."
I perform the task (Tools>DB Check and update the reference index).
The result:
"1 records from 15 tables were checked/updated.
Index Integrity was perfect!"
Still, the notice is displayed every time I login.
Help please!
(issue imported from #M3800)
Updated by H Klausner over 18 years ago
Same Problem with 4.0 final on 2 Servers having PHP 4.2.2 and 4.1.2, both with MYSQL 3.23.
Updated by Georg Kühnberger over 17 years ago
I can confirm this bug;
Reference Index table is empty
Virgin 4.2.1 Installation errs with repeated msg: "The Reference Index table is empty...";
Clean + Empty Installation of 4.2.1 (src + dummy) - [SLES10 - Apache2/php5/mysql from distro];
- Install 1-2-3 - OK;
- Install > DB-Analyzer: Compare & Update all - OK
- Install > DB-Analyzer: add admin-user > OK;
Admin>Backend > Login [ > automatically choosen > ] > "About Modules"
"The Reference Index table is empty.... Tools>DB Check and update the reference index."
Doing as advised, results in
- "ref-index = OK"
Checking About>Modules, however again repeatedly results in
- "The Reference Index table is empty.... Tools>DB Check and update the reference index."
As soon as we added 1 Page, Template & Content,
AND updated the ref-index, the above ERR vanished.
Updated by Michael Knabe almost 15 years ago
As a full check for reference integrity is extremely expensive for big databases this issue cannot be easily fixed. The two options I see here are:
(1) Check if there is at least one row in pages, tt_content and sys_template and assume this to be a fresh installation if they are all empty.
This solution is not very reliable, as it will show the error message as soon as you create some content but no references which might be even more confusing.
(2) Change the error message so it states that this error should be ignored for new installations.
This has the problem of being non intuitive and maybe confusing but at least less confusing than the current state.
I have attached a patch that implements the first solution.
Updated by Michael Knabe almost 15 years ago
I uploaded a second version of the patch that only checks the pages-table. The first version did not work as the exec_SELECTcountRows call always returned 0
Updated by Michael Knabe almost 15 years ago
I have added another version that uses registry to remember if an update to sys_refindex has been made as suggested by Francois Suter on the mailing list.
Updated by Tobias Liebig almost 15 years ago
michaels v8 (attached) works fine for me