



Bug #17133


install tool crashes with PHP 5.2.1

Added by gregory over 17 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Should have
Install Tool
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
TYPO3 Version:
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Is Regression:
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My developpment server has been upgraded to PHP 5.2.1-pl3-gentoo

Since this, it is impossible to install typo3, the install tool seems to be locked in an infinite loop and it even slows down apache drastically

What could i do to help you track this one down?

apache 2.0.59
PHP 5.2.1-pl3-gentoo
MySQL 5.0.34
eaccelerator installed but not activated
(issue imported from #M5261)


php.log (2 KB) php.log Administrator Admin, 2007-04-23 15:04
Actions #1

Updated by Nikolas Hagelstein over 17 years ago

Increase php error log level and observe logfiles.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Stucki about 17 years ago

Waiting for feedback...

Actions #3

Updated by Ingo Krabbe about 17 years ago

See the php.log file attached for the warnings that happen.

I assume the last line is the most important, since it reveals that the cookie hasn't been sent, since any header information in the pgp code has been rejected. I assume that the missing cookie results in the infinite loop, described by 'gregory'.

I have the same or at least a similar error (I only see a blank page, without performance issues), while using nearly the same gentoo configuration.

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Stucki about 17 years ago

Your logfile says:
"headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/typo3_src-4.1.1/typo3/install/index.php:49"

However, there is no content at this line in TYPO3 4.1.1. Make sure you didn't modify the source code!

- michael

Actions #5

Updated by Ingo Krabbe about 17 years ago

Yes that's right I added an error_log line to see some custom error log. Deleting that error log commands again still results in the same errors.

Actions #6

Updated by Ingo Krabbe about 17 years ago

REINSTALLING the orignial 4.1.1 sources and changing

error_reporting (E_ALL); // ^ E_NOTICE);

since the old line dropped all errors ?!

Still gives me the NOTICE in line 44 (which has no effect since it's just a notice and the PATH_thisScript variable is calculated well, as I looked up before.

Actions #7

Updated by Ingo Krabbe about 17 years ago

Installing a plain apache2+PHP5.2.1 without gentoo (compiled the sourcepackages ba myself) works. This has to be a gentoo php configuration topic. Possibly the security of the php package has been increased by the gentoo configuration.

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Stucki about 17 years ago

Sorry but I have no Gentoo here. So either you need to debug the problem on your own, or you find a way to reproduce it on other systems...

Actions #9

Updated by Dick Rundell about 17 years ago

It doesn't matter what host I try to install the typo3 on. If its not in fantastico it simply won't install with a password on Linux servers.
Any step by step explanation on the right procedure to install the typo3 program and get the install tool to work would be appreciated.
It is annoying that the simple install tool will not work. Just infinite loop asking for password?

enabled the .htaccess file?

Actions #10

Updated by Franz Holzinger almost 17 years ago

I have had a very similar bug with Mandriva Linux 2007. This only happens with the Firefox and Epiphany browsers. So use Konqueror, Opera or CrossOver Office with Internet Explorer instead.

The Firefox does not get anything from the FORM. It seems that it does not understand the HTML of it.

Actions #11

Updated by Christian Kuhn about 15 years ago

Resolved, no change required:

  • The original reporter never gave any feedback to this issue, so this can't be nailed down.
  • The problem by Ingo Krabbe should be nailed down in a separate issue if it's still valid.
  • The issue then mixed up with a different problem by Dick, who reported his issue with #17104 again.

As this issue will probably not lead to anywhere in the future, I now took the freedom to close it.

Actions #12

Updated by Benni Mack over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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