Bug #17330
missing clearer div in csc-textpic-intext-left & csc-textpic-intext-right standard wrap
Added by Martin Herzog over 17 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
Content Rendering
When placing two content elements of the type text w/image (with "intext-left" or "intext-right") underneath each other and the text does not reach beneath the lower picture border, then the picture of the second content element is positioned on the side of the upper picture instead of underneath. The content elements are "crammed" into each other.
I noticed that for the content elements text w/image with "nowrap" there is a clearer div "<div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>" attached, for text w/image without "nowrap" there isn't (although it is needed as well).
So the problem is within the standard setup of css_styled_content (typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/setup.txt).
Adding the lines:
tt_content.image.20.layout {
# intext-right
17 = TEXT
17.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
# intext-left
18 = TEXT
18.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-left###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
to the TypoScript Setup fixes the problem, so probably the clearer div should be added to the corresponding lines in the extension.
(issue imported from #M5678)
sorry, forgot to say:
I use Typo3 4.1.1
I can confirm this issue. The attached screenshot (screenshot.png) show three separate content elements, each with a left floated image. Looks like art... ;-)
Thanks Martin for providing a fix for this issue. I've created a patch file which solves the floating issue.
BTW: Nice bug-id - 5678 ;-)
committed v3 to trunk, rev 7350
The 5678_v2.patch and 5678_v3.diff files above put the bug back in.
The changes in the 0005678.patch file are not included in the later patches
Here is the section from 5678_v2.patch
+ # above-right
+ 1 = TEXT
+ 1.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-right csc-textpic-above###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ # above-left
+ 2 = TEXT
+ 2.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-left csc-textpic-above###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ # below-center
+ 8 = TEXT
+ 8.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-center csc-textpic-below###CLASSES###">###TEXT######IMAGES###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ # below-right
+ 9 = TEXT
+ 9.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-right csc-textpic-below###CLASSES###">###TEXT######IMAGES###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ # below-left
+ 10 = TEXT
+ 10.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-left csc-textpic-below###CLASSES###">###TEXT######IMAGES###</div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ # intext-right
+ 17 = TEXT
+ 17.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
+ # intext-left
+ 18 = TEXT
+ 18.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-left###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
+ # intext-right-nowrap
+ 25 = TEXT
+ 25.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right-nowrap###CLASSES###">###IMAGES###<div style="margin-right:{register:rowWidthPlusTextMargin}px;">###TEXT###</div></div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ 25.insertData = 1
+ # intext-left-nowrap
+ 26 = TEXT
+ 26.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-left-nowrap###CLASSES###">###IMAGES###<div style="margin-left:{register:rowWidthPlusTextMargin}px;">###TEXT###</div></div><div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div>
+ 26.insertData = 1
+ }
Items 17 and 18 are missing <div class="csc-textpic-clear"></div> from the end, that was put into the original patch file.
Applying all of these patches, the setup.txt file will be fixed, but then the error is re-introduced for the version setup.txt files.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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