Bug #17559
closedzlib must be compiled in to make an extension lookup
The EM will fail with a PHP error message when zlib is not compiled into PHP. zlib is only optional on the typo3.org requirements page, so the PHP extension must be queried before the EM makes a call to gzfile.
If it is made rrequired the installer must check for it!
(issue imported from #M6208)
Updated by Dominik Geyer over 14 years ago
I just ran into the same issue (using typo3 4.4.0 with self-compiled PHP 5.3.2 without zlib-support). On the page http://typo3.com/System-Requirements.1241.0.html it says "optional". But if you try to install an extension the extension manager shows a blank page and you're not able to access it anymore.
It is because of em_mirrorListURL has the gzipped mirror-list http://repositories.typo3.org/mirrors.xml.gz which tries to call gzfile()
My proposal is:
1) change the documentation (system-requirement): php-zlib-support to REQUIRED instead of OPTIONAL
2) do a quick test on typo3-installation
Updated by Björn Pedersen over 14 years ago
Is zlib required for unpacking t3x-files?
If yes, then zlib should be required.
If not, I would keep it optional, because you can still install extension by hand. Only the TER-lookup would then be affected. That should then be catchable in the EM.