Bug #17627
closedExternal TypoScripts files will always be cached
I'm using SweeTS (typo3.area42.de) developing TYPO3 websites with an external typoscript file. I disable template caching so any changes of the template are visible by reloading the frontend:
page.config.no_cache = 1
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE: /fileadmin/sweets.ts">
When i change my external typoscript files and reload the frontend in the browser nothing happens because the external typoscript file is always being cached. So i have to go to the backend and must clear the FE chache first. The very bad for the workflow working with external typoscript files.
May if template cache is disabled include cache should be disable too. Another solution could be a new Command:
page.config.no_cacheInclude = 1
SweeTS: typo3.area42.de
(issue imported from #M6395)