



Feature #18226


felogin - disable forgot password view

Added by Dirk Weise over 16 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Should have
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It might be useful to users if they had the possibility to disable the forgot password view.

Reason: In combination with the extended redirection features it becomes possible to add a permanent login form in a sidebar and redirect to a login page if the visitor failed entering his password or has forgotten it. With the new option you can do that and keep the login form shown in the sidebar.

Of course this could be achieved by copying the login form subtemplate to the forgot password subtemplate for the sidebar's form but it's quite uncomfortable, though.

(issue imported from #M7551)


felogin_disableForgotPwdView.diff (8.15 KB) felogin_disableForgotPwdView.diff Administrator Admin, 2008-02-16 03:47
Actions #1

Updated by Benni Mack over 16 years ago

Sorry, Dirk.

I accidently set this issue to resolved.

Do you want to send this feature to the core list? Don't know if it can go into 4.2 as feature freeze happened already.

Actions #2

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 16 years ago

I would commit this patch simply as a FYI followup to the original felogin commit. Alright, Steffen?

Actions #3

Updated by Steffen Kamper over 16 years ago

Hi Dirk,

i don't understand this "disable" feature. IMHO this might irretate people because you have then 2 options for the forget:
1) Show forget
2) disable forget

For such situations you have the possibility to use a different template for the plugin where you can remove the forgot-link.

Actions #4

Updated by Dirk Weise over 16 years ago

Hi Steffen,

sorry for answering that late, I was skiing the last days...

You are right, the naming of that option is quite confusing. Better would have been something like "Show static loginbox only". But further investigation just revealed to me that my current approach to the problem can't work at the moment...

So just let me explain everything again and point out what's needed, probably you can give me a hint where to start over.

On many webpages you see a login box in some kind of header or sidebar. If you log in there the current page content stays just the login box is replaced with your current login data. But if you provide wrong authentication data or want to request a new password you are redirected to another page showing a failure message or a password request form. The login box in that header/sidebar still shows the loginform.

To achieve that several prerequisites are necessary:

1) One instance of the felogin extension needs to be able to show a static loginform no matter of some forgot password parameter
2) The redirect on failure needs to carry some kind of parameter that a login box on the next page knows to show a failure message
3) The forgot password link of that header loginbox needs to point to a login page

Maybe this can be achieved by building a loginbox with TS in combination with the referrer redirection feature. But that would be a quite uncomfortable solution for such a widespread feature. For that reason I would like to integrate it in to the ext. What do you think?

Actions #5

Updated by Steffen Kamper over 16 years ago

I will find a solution herefore, but as this is a new feature i postponed it.

Actions #6

Updated by Jigal van Hemert over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)

In the felogin sysext there is the option to redirect on a login error. This fits the description of Dirk.


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