Bug #18973
closed4.2.1 does not work for many of my websites
I tried the new TYPO3 4.1.2 to some websites that work fine with 4.1.7. Unfortunately it does not display the page tree, the middle of the screen is empty. This occurs with TemplaVoilà and the classical style. The same occurs with the List module. So 4..2* cannot be used for existing websites.
Bernd Warken
(issue imported from #M8740)
Updated by Michael Stucki over 16 years ago
Can anyone confirm this? Please try updating TemplaVoila to the latest version. If that doesn't help, try removing it to see if it's a TV issue or not...
Updated by Benni Mack over 16 years ago
Hey Bernd,
sounds like you need to update your database, do this by going to the TYPO3 installer of your installation, to the DB analyzer and press the "Compare" link. Then do the DB update (make sure to have a backup of your DB before you do that!)
Updated by Matthias Huber over 16 years ago
The Database update (from the installation wizard) does not solve the problem.
One has to use the Database Analyzer then it's ok.
Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 16 years ago
Clear your browser's cache! The issue was answered several times in the mailing lists.
Updated by Steffen Kamper about 16 years ago
I can't confirm this as i never had problems like this, with TV or without. I updated about 50 sites to 4.2 without any problem.