Bug #19277
Incorrect size of htmlArea RTE dialogue windows in Google Chrome browser
Added by Schmid Valentin about 16 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
"RTEhtmlarea doesn't work in Google Chrome browser", says the reporter...
Support for Safari was added in TYPO3 4.2. Therefore, Google Chrome should work also with TYPO3 4.2.
(issue imported from #M9277)
With what version of the RTE?
Google Chrome is just some different chrome over Apple's engine Webkit used in Safari.
Using current TYPO3 trunk, I see all features working correctly, even inserting ridiculous Apple styles... The only problem I see is the re-sizing of the dialogue windows which does not seem to work correctly in that browser.
The attached patch will disable resizing and centering of RTE windows in Google Chrome. As of bulild 1798, window methods resizeTo and moveTo give unpredictable and erratic results, the resulting window being most of the time simply collapsed.
The patch also revises the resizing algorithm so that resizing should be more accurate in Safari and Firefox3. Firefox method sizeToContent() does not work very well anymore since Firefox 3.
Committed to SVN TYPO3core branch TYPO3_4-2 (revision 4101) and trunk (revision 4103).
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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