



Bug #19988


Rich text editor is not loading

Added by muath over 15 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Should have
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i have TYPO3 4.2.0 installed for some time, recently i was unable to edit or view for that matter the rich text editor, the message is shown in the attachment P.1
please help.

(issue imported from #M10389)


P.1.JPG (102 KB) P.1.JPG Administrator Admin, 2009-02-09 12:05

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #20156: htmlArea RTE: Initialization fails in presence of Firefox extension Toolbar 1.3ClosedStanislas Rolland2009-03-11

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #20157: htmlArea RTE: TYPO3 extension Firefox3 Backend Bugfix (key: mn_ff3_be_bugfix) breaks the backendClosedStanislas Rolland2009-03-11

Actions #1

Updated by Tobias Liebig over 15 years ago

i guess this is not t3editor (TypoScript-Editor in "Template"), but RTE (Rich-Text-Editor in Content-Elements) releated.

so this issues should be moved to the "core"-project
Furthermore i'm pretty sure this issue is solved in the latest release. So please upgrade and test if issue is solved.

Actions #2

Updated by Administrator Admin over 15 years ago

Same problem here, but after we were upgraded from 4.1.7 to 4.2.5. On some Windows machines it loads, but on others it doesn't. Could anyone give details about whether or not the issue has been fixed in 4.2.6?

Actions #3

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

Please try to delete all files in typo3temp/rtehtmlarea and clear the browser cache.

Actions #4

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

Please report with what browser(s) the problem is occurring and if any error is raised on the JavaScript console.

Actions #5

Updated by Administrator Admin over 15 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Problem is with Firefox 3.0.6. on Vista. All files in typo3temp/rtehtmlarea and the browser cache were deleted. There are no errors on the javascript console. Various logins were tried.
A fresh install didn't do the trick, but using a portable version of Firefox 3.0.6 works well.

Actions #6

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

Is this problem occurring only in Firefox, or also in other browsers on Vista?

Please use the Extension Manager to enable the RTE troubleshooting mode. A log will be displayed below the RTE editing area when it tries to load. Please report the contents of this log.

Actions #7

Updated by Bernd Warken over 15 years ago

I have the same problem, also with updating to TYPO3 4.2.6. The RTE is waiting, but does not start. This occurs from 4.2.[4-6]. In 4.2.[1-3], no RTE is started, but only a HTML text is displayed

The problem occurs with several websites on a Linux webserver.

This happens in Firefox 3 (Windows XP), IE 7 (XP), and Iceweasel (Firefox Debian-Linux). In konqueror (Linux) and Opera (XP), the editor with HTML is started without any access to RTE, just as with 4.2.[1-3].

I cleared the TYPO3 and browser cache, also in typo3temp/rtehtmlarea. I installed also RTE (global), but no effect. I enabled and disabled the compress mode - no difference. I enabled the troubleshooting mode, but no errors are printed.

The only possiblity for me is to use tinyrte and deinstall rtehtmlarea. But I would prefer to have a real TYPO3 RTE.

Actions #8

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

@Bernd: Please use the Extension Manager to enable the RTE troubleshooting mode. A log will be displayed below the RTE editing area when it tries to load. Please report the contents of this log. Please report also any JS error raised on the Firefox JavaScript console.

Actions #9

Updated by Bernd Warken over 15 years ago

As I wrote I enabled the troubleshooting mode, but no error report and no log is printed. The Firefox Console doesn't display anything.

Actions #10

Updated by Administrator Admin over 15 years ago

One my side it's just with Firefox 3 on Vista. IE 7 loads the editor fine, an so do all portable versions of Firefox, IE, Opera and Chrome.
Website administrator can't reproduce the problem on his two PCs (XP, Vista) or on his MAC (10.5.6) running FF Version 3.0.6. I forwarded this thread to him.

Actions #11

Updated by Administrator Admin over 15 years ago

1) Here is what my log shows (Mac 10.4 / Firefox/Opera / Typo 4.2.6):
Editor being loaded. Please wait...

[HTMLArea::init]: All scripts successfully loaded.
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: /../typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor skin CSS set to: /../typo3/sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea.css
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to:

2) Another observation: I can't see the editor window, but I can copy and paste the content out! So: It is almost here, but not quite. I can load the editor with the Editor Button on the left of the window.

3) another observation :It is not possible to change and save titles of content elements (Typo23 asks me for log-in again and doesn't save anything)

3) Downgrade to Typo3 4.2.1 removes the problem(s)

Actions #12

Updated by Nick Weisser over 15 years ago

My log shows the same messages, no errors.

RTE does not load both in FF3 and IE7 on Vista.

Actions #13

Updated by Ballis over 15 years ago

I've updated TYPO3 from 4.2.1 to 4.2.6 and the RTE doesn't work from then.

My configuration :
Win XP, Firefox 3.0.6, TYPO3 4.2.6, RTE 1.7.9

When I edit a content the message "The editor is being loaded. Please wait..." appears. If I close the content and reopen the content, the editor is loaded BUT the content frame isn't clickable. When I try to click on any button of the RTE, Firefox reload the frame.

And if I repeat this action with an "old" content, the content appears 0.2 second and disappear with the same unclickable content frame.

I've cleared the Firefox cache and the typo3temp/rtehtmlarea files but nothing changed.

Here it is the troubleshooting information :
[HTMLArea::init]: All scripts successfully loaded.
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: /typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to: [^]
[HTMLArea::initEditor]: Initializing editor with editor Id: data[tt_content]278[bodytext].
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultInline was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockElements was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin CharacterMap was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin Acronym was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Link was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin FindReplace was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin RemoveFormat was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin QuickTag was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin TableOperations was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin AboutEditor was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin ContextMenu was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Image was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Color was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea::generate]: Toolbar successfully created.
[HTMLArea::generate]: Editor iframe successfully created.
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Iframe baseURL set to: [^]
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Skin CSS set to: [^]
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Override CSS set to: [^]
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Content CSS set to: [^]
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Editor iframe head successfully initialized.
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Stylesheets successfully loaded.
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Design mode successfully set.
[HTMLArea::initIframe]: All plugins successfully generated.

And the Firefox Javascript console error :
Erreur : editor is null
Fichier Source : [^]
Ligne : 1133

The RTE works well with IE6 and IE7.

Exactly the same with TYPO3 4.1.10 and RTE 1.5.7

Actions #14

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

I am unable to reproduce these issues. If there is a possibility for me to access the backend of one of these sites as admin, please write to me at .

Actions #15

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

For the record: eumaios problem was fixed by uninstalling TYPO3 extension Firefox3 Backend Bugfix (key: mn_ff3_be_bugfix). Anyone else having this extension installed?

Actions #16

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

For the record: Ballis problem was due to the presence of Firefox extension Toolbar. For patch and/or workaround, see issue #10656.

Actions #17

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

@Paul: do you have Firefox extension Toolbar 1.3 installed? Or do you have other Firefox extensions installed?

Actions #18

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago

@Nick: do you have TYPO3 extension mn_ff3_be_bugfix installed?

Actions #19

Updated by Administrator Admin over 15 years ago

I don't have Toolbar 1.3 installed. I both uninstalled all my extensions and tried a fresh install without adding any extension, which did not solve the problem.

Actions #20

Updated by Benjamin Serfhos about 15 years ago

Check if the extension is loaded from both local and system.
If so;
- Deactivate the extension.
- Remove from local. /typo3conf/ext/rtehtmlarea
- Activate the extension again.

Clear the cache files.

Actions #21

Updated by Administrator Admin about 15 years ago


I've the same problem, I'm using Firefox 3 in OSX 10.5 and I have the same error, also i've tried in Windows XP with IE6 and 7, and Firefox 3.
In my case this is the troubleshooting information :

The editor is being loaded. Please wait...

[HTMLArea::init]: All scripts successfully loaded.
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: /typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to: [^] [^]

Actions #22

Updated by Administrator Admin about 15 years ago

I've solved this error. In my installation of TYPO3 I had installed 2 versions of htmlArea RTE, one Local and one of System. I've deleted from server the Local installation and have activated the System version and now it works perfect.

Actions #23

Updated by Stefan about 15 years ago


For me it works on my localhost, but doesn't work remote. Firefox, Vista. Same thing in IE7.
Besides the extention it sais Local SL supposedly marking that it is being overwritten by another extention. however, rtehtmlarea shows up only once in the list.

What is the solution?

If the solution would be to uninstall rtehtmlarea Local SL and activate rtehtmlarea Something else, how is that done? Uninstalling it and reinstalling it gives me Local SL again... And Uninstalling it gives me no RTE at all so no parent or sub RTE coming through there...

Ok, deactivated the extention, tried to delete it in server directory typo3conf/ext/rthtmlarea but got permission denied, went to typo3temp and tried to find files with cache in filename or a folder named cache and delete it but there weren't any, reinstalled and reloaded the extention; problem persists, no RTE :-(

Actions #24

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 15 years ago

@Stefan: Use the Extension manager to 1. uninstall the RTE, 2. delete the local extension, 3. re-install the system extension.

Delete all files in directory typo3temp/rtehtmlarea.

If you are using TYPO3 4.1.x, delete all files in typo3temp starting with rtehtmlarea_

Actions #25

Updated by Marc Ehret almost 15 years ago

I downgraded Firefox from 3.5x to 3.0.11

Now it works.

After a lot of upgrading/downgrading from TYPO3 4.3apha1 to svn-Version and back...

Error still exists in IE8 on Vista

Actions #26

Updated by Stefan almost 15 years ago

It worked for a while, but now I got the link problem (linking doesn't work in RTE 'cause firefox inserts another http://typo3 in front of the link so you end up havin a link looking like http://typo3/something/http://your/actual/link.

patching doesn't work as usual.

so I delete the files of the system instalation and clear the records out of localconf.php

I install the local version and for the first time it doesn't say "system SL" but "local" int the xtention manager

but no thumbs up yet.. 'cause there it is again: "the editor is being loaded, please wait"

And could anybody please tell my why typo3 sets permissions denying me permission to delete rtehtmlarea folder permissions every time it is installed again???? i can't call my provider everytime it fails


Actions #27

Updated by Administrator Admin almost 15 years ago

I am having the same problem:
MacOS Lepoard.
Firefox 3.0.12
Opera 9.64 (doesn't load anything)
Safari 4.0.2.
On a windows XP machine, IE 7.0

TYPO3 > Typo3 4.2.8.

Adding the troubleshooter to HTMLArea doesn't give anything.

I do get an error opening a backendpage with HtmlArea:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in (...) typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php on line 1224

No local version installed in typo3conf
No installed.

Clrearing cache and files in typo3temp/rtehtmlarea in combination with uninstall in extmanager, doesn't help.

any ideas?


Actions #28

Updated by Stefan almost 15 years ago

Patched it manually

Doesn't support spaces in filenames now, otherwise it works!


Actions #29

Updated by Administrator Admin almost 15 years ago

The problem is solved after a 10th timeinstalling the thing.
Apparently i messed up with the chmod and chgrp commands that are in the install.txt.
Untaring the dummy-package sets the permissions allready ok on a Apache server.
When i executed them (to actually set everything the same), the permissions must have been messed up.... Now it seems to work ok!
Sorry for this unnecessary appeal to the bug forum...

Actions #30

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

I can't follow this thread anymore. This issue was stolen and solved too many times. If anyone still encounters such problem, please open a new issue.

Actions #31

Updated by Benni Mack over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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