Bug #20486
closedMySQL errors and unable to create a page
After installing Typo3 for the first time I got two MySQL errors repeating a couple of times on the front and back-end.
Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_db.php on line 809
Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_db.php on line 836
I suppressed these warnings in the PHP file by using @. I've seen this error been reported before. Other people just complained about it without critical results. The reason I opened a new ticket is because of the following error which might be a result of this error.
I can't save a new page.
When viewing the create new page form everything seems fine. After I suppressed the MySQL warnings. Before I couldn't even see the toolbar that haves the save button.
When I click save it seems like the page refreshes and all my data input is gone. And obviously no page is created. I did click the refresh button 'Reload the tree from server'. I also checked the database which remains unchanged. There was no error message. I tried it in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
(issue imported from #M11162)
Updated by Erik over 15 years ago
At the end I say Typo version 4.3. That should be 4.2.6.
Updated by Chris topher over 15 years ago
Hi Erik,
with the errors you described you maybe cannot save a content-element (because you cannot click the buttons).
But suppressing the warnings surely won't solve them. ;-)
I think the database-tables are somehow not installed correctly.
Try the following:
Go to the install-tool (http://your-domain.com/typo3/install), go to the section "database-analyzer" and make a "compare".
Do the changes, which are proposed (if any) and then try again.
Updated by Erik over 15 years ago
Thanks for the tip.
I run MySQL in MyISAM mode not allowing InnoDB usage (which appears to be required).
I'll try re-configuring MySQL later and report back here.
Updated by Erik over 15 years ago
Well I've re-installed it using a InnoDB database. The MySQL errors are gone now. But I got a new error message when creating a new page.
2: SQL error: 'Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'storage_pid' at row 1' (pages:NEW4a15b6fa3ef0e)
A little research learns that typo3 won't run in STRICT MODE, which everyone should always use. See: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=10487.
Getting more disappointed in typo3 by the minute I'm disabling STRICT MODE. This bug can be closed as far as I'm concerned.
With STRICT MODE disabled it is now working!
Getting requirements like this in the installation script or in the manual would be nice though.
Thanks for putting me in the right direction.
Updated by Niels Fröhling over 15 years ago
Duplicate of 0010487, confirmative.