Bug #22293
closedPopup in HMENU creates invalid URL in IE
In my menu one page is opened in a popup. It works perfect in all browsers excepted by the InternetExplorer-family
Problem: I work with RealURL and my baseURL is like this: http://www.customer.com
One page in my HMENU is generated to open in a popup. His a-tag looks like this:
<a href="testpopup.html" onclick="vHWin=window.open('testpopup.html','FEopenLink','width=1024,height=768');vHWin.focus();return false;" onfocus="blurLink(this);" >TestPopup</a>
I've currently opened the following page: http://www.customer.com/mytest/mypage.html
If I click on this popuplink now he tries to open this url: http://www.customer.com/mytest/testpopup.html
Solution: Change the PHP-Code so he allways writes the baseURL before links which are called by javascript:window.open()
If you've supplied the patch I've attached he'll generate the following a-tag:
<a href="testpopup.html" onclick="vHWin=window.open('http://www.customer.com/testpopup.html','FEopenLink','width=1024,height=768');vHWin.focus();return false;" onfocus="blurLink(this);" >TestPopup</a>
TYPO3 v4.3.2
(issue imported from #M13854)