Bug #22415
closedInstall tool wants to remove static_template table, while import feature wants to create it
The COMPARE feature wants to remove the static_template table, while the IMPORT feature suggests to create it (along with the other static tables)
Install tool, step "2: Database Analyzer", COMPARE suggests:
ALTER TABLE static_template RENAME zzz_deleted_static_template;
(and later : DROP TABLE zzz_deleted_static_template; )
IMPORT suggests:
Import SQL dump:
Select tables to import
This is an overview of the CREATE TABLE definitions in the SQL file. Select which tables you want to dump to the database. Any table you choose dump to the database is dropped from the database first, so you'll lose all data in existing tables.
static_template Rows: 61
static_tsconfig_help Rows: 117 Table exists!
static_territories Rows: 27 Table exists!
static_countries Rows: 242 Table exists!
static_country_zones Rows: 489 Table exists!
static_currencies Rows: 163 Table exists!
static_languages Rows: 187 Table exists!
It's in 4.4-dev revision 7270 (Sat. April 10, 2010)
(issue imported from #M14055)