Bug #22869
closedwrong sorting of translated CE
Imagine we have a site with 2 languages.
- make a new page with CE 1,2,3
- make a translation of this page and CE
- in FE the order now is 1,2,3 in original and in translation too
- change the sorting in original for example to 3,1,2
- now in BE the order is original:3,1,2 translation:1,2,3 but in FE both have the order 3,1,2. the translation takes the sorting from original and doesnt respect his own sorting.
(issue imported from #M14706)
Updated by Juraj Sulek over 14 years ago
it is because of this TS:
config.sys_language_mode = ignore
config.sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated
but is this behaviour correct?
Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 14 years ago
Please test patch attached to issue #16845 with TYPO3 4.5 or current trunk.
Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version deleted (
0) - TYPO3 Version set to 4.5
No feedback for a long time...
I think this is resolved in master and current stable releases.