Bug #23568
closedBE input validation "time" rejects 0:00 and 24:00
When an input field "type text" is defined as "eval time", the automated time evaluation function rejects the values "0:00" by setting it to empty and rejects "24:00" by resetting the input to "23:00".
Refering to revision 8823 of https://svn.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Core/branches/TYPO3_4-2/t3lib/jsfunc.evalfield.js
Line 421 says:
if (hours > 23) {hours = 23};
Line 454 says:
if (!parseInt(value)) {return '';}
Those lines conflict because the first one excludes the hour 24 (no matter what minutes are concernted) and the second one excludes the explicite 0:00 (or 0:00:00 when eval is timesec instead of time).
Without having it tested, this bug should exist on 4.3 and 4.4 as well because the mentioned code is pretty much the same there.
(issue imported from #M15748)
Updated by Lars Malach about 14 years ago
This patch fixes just the first problem with 24 hour.
The second problem should be a bigger typo3 task, because typo3 is not able to differ 0 and Null.
Updated by Steffen Gebert about 14 years ago
committed to
- trunk rev. 8883
- 4-4 rev. 8884
- 4-3 rev. 8885
Please open up a new report for the other problem.