Bug #24191
closedtcaTree does not work for relation fields without TCA Definition.
the tcatree is kind of broken and doesn't deliver any records.
imagine this tca in the record tx_banner_domain_model_banner
'config' => array (
'type' => 'select',
'renderMode' => 'tree',
'subType' => 'db',
'foreign_table' => 'pages',
'size' => '5',
'treeConfig' => array(
'parentField' => 'pid'
problem inside getChildrenUidsFromParentRelation(). The call to
$columnConfiguration = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->getTableName()]['columns'][$this->getLookupField()]['config'];
uses the wrong table name and field name as this tries to fetch the configuration from table "pages" and field "pid" but it needs to be table "tx_banner_domain_model_ banner" and field "pages".
sorry for not delivering a patch but havent gone through the api to deliver the correct fix.
(issue imported from #M16553)