Bug #24468
closedIssue in Gifbuilder with Text using spacing+angle feature?
On a new developed TYPO3-Project I noticed the following problem.
I want to render Text as Image. The final result should be rotated (-90 degrees) and use a letter-spacing. According to the GIFBUILDER/TEXT docs this can be applied using Typoscript by adding "angle" and "spacing" (see snipplet below).
I noticed very different rendering-results while trying to add/figure out correct values for spacing and enabled angle options.
1. The first image attached shows the rendering WITHOUT using angle + spacing (both commented out).
2. Enabled "anlge=-90" to rotate the text output. Until here it looks fine!
3. Enabled "angle=-90" and also letter-spacing by adding "spacing = 20".
=> angle isn't applied anymore! spacing works!
4. Adjusting the offset. "offset = 2,2" (without spacing!).
Result: with "angle=-90" looks fine.> Why?
-without "angle" the text is cut-off (top corner) -
Final conclusion (for myself):
- The different results look somehow strange to me. In my mind it would
make more sense if the angle would rotate from top-left corner of the text.
- It doesn't make any sense that angle+spacing don't work together?! Is that
anywhere in the docs for any good reason not to work together or is it a bug?
I try that using the following code:
10 = IMAGE
10.file = GIFBUILDER
10 = TEXT
10 {
text = Test
align = top,left
fontSize = 22
fontColor = #5f8d2a
angle = -90
spacing = 20
niceText = 0
antiAlias = 0
offset = 20,20
See attached test-cases. The Image contains the different rendering-results of TYPO3 (red-boxes in the image composition).
Please test and/or give me any hints to fix or approve my typoscript given above.
(issue imported from #M16908)