There has been a discussion in the pending child issues about 'umbrella' tasks that solve more than one problem at once.
Here are some of the tasks we currently have, or which we can / should have in the future:
- A task to delete old files in recycler directories within fileadmin/ (issue #25342)
- A task to delete 'old' typo3temp files
- A task to clean 'always growing' tables like sys_log or sys_history (issue #25343)
- A task to execute the caching framework garbage collection (exists already)
- A task to update refindex (exists as cli)
- ...
There are different opinions on how those tasks could be combined:
- Some people want to combine all file related tasks (eg. recycler task and typo3temp/ task) in only one task. But I think deleting unused typo3temp files and cleaning recycler folders are imho two different things for two special different purposes, thus they should be supplied as single tasks.
- People want to clear different tables which accumulate data over time (eg. sys_log and sys_history). This is imho easily possible, but for admin security the 'cleanable' tables should be preconfigured, but they can be combined in one task (will do with issue #25343)
- Other tasks like a refindex updater, a flexform cleaner or a caching framework garbage collection still solve different things and should be implemented as stand alone tasks.
I think, we should not create a 'magic cleaner task' that calls all arbitrary and different cleanup things at once. I'd instead vote to deliver a (dummy, introduction) package that pre-configures all those tasks with sane defaults (eg: The typo3temp/ task runs once a month, the TER update task runs daily, the fileadmin recycler task and sys_log cleanup task runs weekly). We could also deliver an update wizard that registers those tasks with sane defaults during update. That is imho the direction we should go: Deliver single tasks for special purposes, but pre-configure them with sane defaults if an admin chooses to do so).