Bug #29784
Inline Editing in Firefox
Added by Carsten Bleicker about 13 years ago.
Updated almost 7 years ago.
FormEngine aka TCEforms
hi folks,
i have some parent child relations done with inline.
something like a pagetree. in firefox the formfields for new child record arent displayed after level 7 or 8. dont know exactly. the json wich is returned seems to bee okay. in chrome i have formfields for the child also after level 7 or 8 wich crashed in ff. up to level 20 is no problem in chrome. can someone figure out why? my know how at inserting nodes in html by js is ... ehhhh ... not existing :)
ff version is 6.0.2 on linux and windows
Carsten, could you prepare a demo extension containing the data structures (a reduced version if possible) that caused the error? A screenshot would help, too, but to tackle this issue easily, we would need to see what is really going.
Sure, there it is.
it happens at Level 8 i think.
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Target version deleted (
- Complexity set to hard
Ok, I can confirm this - I didn't exactly count the levels, but that doesn't really matter. As a first guess I would say that the nesting depth for the elements is too deep. It's not the length of the identifiers, because it does not matter if I try in unsaved or saved records (with longer UIDs like NEWsomething in unsaved compared to numeric uids for saved records).
If my guess is true, this is a general problem that can't easily be fixed with the current implementation of TCEforms, as the identifiers are used everywhere in the way they are. I would say though that it should definitely be changed to a smarter format, with some autogenerated, unique identifier (we could even take the current identifiers and apply some short MD5 thingy to them). I will add this to the TCEforms refactoring project.
Apart from that, I can just ask you to use a more shallow structure to circumvent this problem.
I dont understand this correctly. The the current way of identifier crashes the form in firefox but not in google chrome? maybe this is more a firefox bug then a tceform thing?
I'm not even sure if this is really related to the identifier length - but I don't see another obvious reason. Another thing could be the depth of the nested HTML. I just rechecked with Firebug - the generated HTML seems to be correct (at least it contains a complete record).
maybe this is a firefox bug? what do you think?
Yeah, maybe. Could you try to find something in their Bugtracker (Bugzilla)? I did a quick Google search for the maximum DOM identifier length, but could not find anything reasonable.
- Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
- Is Regression set to No
as this issue is very old. Does the problem still exists within newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (6.2.7) and Firefox?
I performed a test with TYPO3 6.2.12 and Firefox 38.0.1 on MAC OS X 10.10.3. The result is that you are blocked on 7th level of nesting - see attached screenshot
The same issue seems absent on Chrome 42.0.2311.152 (To be completely honest, after reaching the 40th level I threw in the towel and gave up)
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
- Status changed from New to Closed
TYPO3 6.2.x is no more supported and formengine has been rewritten in the meanwhile. This issue will be closed for now. Please reopen it (or ping me and I'll do that) if it still happens on TYPO3 8.7.x or 9.0.0-dev (latest master).
Thank you and sorry for the so late answer.
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