



Bug #33119


Upload to TER not possible

Added by Pascal Uhlmann about 13 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Should have
Extension Manager
Target version:
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Due date:
% Done:


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TYPO3 Version:
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I'm also having the same problem as Thomas Loeffler reported in #24594 using version 4.5.10. The upload tab in the extension manager is active and after starting the upload of an extension it fails with the following error message:

SoapClient::SoapClient() [soapclient.soapclient]: 'uri' option is requred in nonWSDL mode

So I can't upload any extension updates at the moment.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #24594: Upload to TER not possibleRejected2011-01-16

Actions #1

Updated by Steffen Gebert about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Priority changed from Must have to Should have

Could you please check, whether you have the PHP extension soap installed? It will be listed in a phpinfo()

Actions #2

Updated by Pascal Uhlmann about 13 years ago

Yes, it is installed and the SOAP Client is enabled!

Actions #3

Updated by Oliver Klee about 13 years ago

I have the same problem (and I also have the soap extension installed).

Actions #4

Updated by Steffen Gebert about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Accepted

Oli, are you willing to debug it? I have nothing to upload and won't be able to take care of this one, sorry. Would be nice, if you could fix it :)

Actions #5

Updated by Oliver Klee about 13 years ago

Yes, I will look into it.

Actions #6

Updated by Nico de Haen almost 13 years ago

I had the same error and could track it down to a missing "selectedRepository" entry in the $this->settings array in the EM connections classes, although there was a repository selected in the settings tab of the EM. This results in a missing wsdl_url and the first parameter of the SoapClient constructor is NULL. After my third or fourth upload try (for debugging) there was no error message any more and the uplaod worked, although I just had entered some devlog lines. So it's obviously not reliable reproducable

Actions #7

Updated by Oliver Klee almost 13 years ago

Okay, so the problem went away after I saved the EM settings again. Going to look into it further.

Actions #8

Updated by Oliver Klee almost 13 years ago

I honestly don't know how to reproduce this problem once it has disappeared ...

Actions #9

Updated by Robert Heel almost 12 years ago

In my case $options['wsdl'] was NULL. Setting a mirror solved the issue.

Actions #10

Updated by Anja Leichsenring almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Rejected

not to reproduce.


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