Bug #35370
Table Wizard adds "<br />" to last cell of each row
Added by Christoph Buchli over 12 years ago.
Updated almost 10 years ago.
Backend User Interface
When opening a Table in the wizzard, the rows are exploded by LF.
If you have entered the table configuration manually, then it's pretty likely that each row ends with CRLF.
This results in having a New Line (caused by the "CR") at the end of the last cell of every row, witch is transformed into a <br /> during saving since there, LFs as well as CRs are replaced.
The attached Patch solves the issue by replacing each CRLF with a LF before exploding the bodytext by LF.
- Subject changed from Table Wizzard adds "<br />" to last cell of each row to Table Wizard adds "<br />" to last cell of each row
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
- Is Regression set to No
as this issue is very old. Is this feature missing in newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (6.2.9)?
The problem seems solved in TYPO3 CMS 6.2.9;
I've performed this test using Chrome on Windows 7:
1. create a new TABLE element
2. Inside textarea I added some lines typing them manually like
And after each line I hit CR to begin a new line.
Result: no <br> in the last cell
Even adding new empty lines, like:
Adds a row of cells with as cell content
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
Thanks for the feedback. Closed.
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