Feature #44779
closedEpic #61834: Create future proof Content Element with strong default
Task #61836: Reorganize Content Element properties within backend Extension
Task #61842: Refactor CSS-Styled-Content + Content Elements
No css_styled_content on content element TABLE
Not able to configurate any HTML tag of a table content element with typoscript.
You can add a class to <table> if you set it to the flexform, but only one class. Two classes won't pass the validation.
In css_styld_content points an userFunc to tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1->render_table where the configuration is taken from pi_flexform field.
This is very unflexible, because if I want to change something on a table, I have to write an extension to overwrite the pi_flexform value of that content element. other elements are rendered with typoscript, not with userFunc.
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Looks like you're talking about two different issues, right?
The "Additional CSS Class" issue can be confirmed, since the input field in the backend removes whitespace (to be fixed in TCA "eval" part).
Concerning the Flexform thingy, I'd like to ask you to add an example of TypoScript to see, what you're aiming for. Thanks
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 12 years ago
- Subject changed from No css_styled_content on tables to No css_styled_content on content element TABLE
Updated by Patrick Crausaz almost 12 years ago
The thing is that the content element TABLE is rendered by the userFunc tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1->render_table (and there are hardcoded classed in this PHP function by the way...)
So you cannot configurate anything about the table.
If for example you want to change something of the content element Image or Text, you just overwrite the css_styled_content typoscript.
Look at "tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default"
- If I dont want my text is rendered with id="anything" I will overwrite it here.
- If I want my Image is rendered with span instead of div, I overwrite it.
- If I want to change anything about my table markup, I go to "typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/pi1/class.tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1.php" and do my own PHP. And I need to do it again in any TYPO3 update.
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
resolved with #55470
whitespace not trimmed anymore