Bug #47746
closedConverting 4.7 sites to 6.1 sites much to complicated and breaking - white pages in Install tool
When you try to convert an existing site which is 4.7 and which has an updated set of extensions it is leading to white pages and follows an unlogical order of steps, even when you try to call the Install Tool. The ONLY way to get it working sufficiently is to disable the localconf.php i.e. rename it. Than TYPO3 thinks there is no localconf and will try to install a new site and new localConfiguration.php file.
You skip the 123 process.
Now you can create a new Encryption Key which won't work
Bug #47738
Now you need to enter your db details.
The database can now be changed also in All Configuration - scroll down complete to the bottom - This point should be the first point and not the last as without DB Typo3 won't work - so it is the most important part!
Task #47740
With the next reload you will get a complete white page and inaccessible system.
You have no way to get to the screen to choose to enter your DB - best do it manually with an editor in localConfiguration.php
You need to clear typo3temp folder completely - remove and make it new setting the right permissions is fastest way.
Now you can access again the install tool.
Unfortunately it will show you again a white screen.
This is even you have only the standard default extensions and none of your extensions installed!
Check Bug #47730
or you get i.e.
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_object() on a non-object in /typo3_src-6.1.0/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Database/DatabaseConnection.php on line 1289
even your front and backend of the site is working
Bug #47744
a solution is to change the word "config" to "about" and wow - the installtool will show up.
Now you can perform the Upgrade Wizard which is in Menu at 4th place but should actually be on FIRST place after an Upgrade IMHO
Task #47729
If you will do a database compare usually your compare will time out!!!
Solution is to perform the upgrade wizard first or to perform the update after an database compare in many smaller parts.
we recommend doing /index.php?TYPO3_INSTALL[type]=update first:
It will ask you to change the version from 3.8 to 6.1 - it is telling 3.8 as it had no previous localconf file anymore as this did not work at all for the upgrade.
Than it is switching forth and back between step 2 and 3 which is complete unlogical as if people in TYPO3 can't count!
Why not name it 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. This would also be much easier to communicate to people when something went wrong!
Bug #47732
By default TYPO3 is trying to force you to install the following extensions which should NOT be checked by default!
Frontend Editing
User>Open Documents
Simulate Static URLs (which will bring you in conflict with all those people who actually are running cooluri and realURL!)
Bug #47733
In the next point you get forced to install workspaces and versioning - no way around beside skipping the wizard. You have to install both by default as there is no option for installing i.e. only versioning.
Bug #47734
This point should be removed from the installtool like the previous one for installing the system extensions.
When you go back to the install tool than again you get offered to install those useless extensions if you haven't used them in an existing site. They can be installed later!
We continue with point 3 in the list the FAL stuff and following
When you perform th elast point in th elist which is: Migrate all file relations from tt_content.image and pages.media
don't get confused if it says: "
Migrate all file relations from tt_content.image and pages.media Update successful!
It will ask you again to perform this update
Bug #47736
We click manually on "Upgrade Wizard and than ignore all offered steps as those are steps which should not appear in an install tool or have already been performed.z
We choose the last step Final Step Compare Database
Here you will see that in the upgrade wizard was no step which actually created the last 3 missing tables
select/deselect all
CREATE TABLE sys_category ( uid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, pid int(11) NOT NULL default '0', tstamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0', crdate int(11) NOT NULL default '0', cruser_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', deleted tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', hidden tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', starttime int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', endtime int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_oid int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_wsid int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_label varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', t3ver_state tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_stage int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_count int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_tstamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3ver_move_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', t3_origuid int(11) NOT NULL default '0', sys_language_uid int(11) NOT NULL default '0', l10n_parent int(11) NOT NULL default '0', l10n_diffsource mediumblob NOT NULL, title tinytext NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, parent int(11) NOT NULL default '0', items int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (uid), KEY parent (pid), KEY t3ver_oid (t3ver_oid,t3ver_wsid) );
CREATE TABLE sys_category_record_mm ( uid_local int(11) NOT NULL default '0', uid_foreign int(11) NOT NULL default '0', tablenames varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', sorting int(11) NOT NULL default '0', sorting_foreign int(11) NOT NULL default '0', KEY uid_local_foreign (uid_local,uid_foreign), KEY uid_foreign_tablenames (uid_foreign,tablenames) );
CREATE TABLE static_tsconfig_help ( uid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, guide int(11) NOT NULL default '0', md5hash varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', description text, obj_string varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', appdata blob, title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (uid), KEY guide (guide,md5hash) );
Bug #47737
Performing a "write to database" might lead to a timeout
Solution: do it step by step and IMPORTANT create FIRST the still missing tables which have not been created by the Upgrade Wizard.
If you want to reactivate all your extensions you should delete NONE of them at this point.
Continue with configuring TYPO3
Don't click on Basic Configuration as it still leads you to a blank page at this point.
Check the image processing
Do it as it will motivate you as it will work instantly especially if you have installed gm
Do in all Configuration all necessary steps like in former versions
Logging into Backend:
If you previously used rsa than you have to create a new user as the extension for this authentification methode won't be available for your first login!
After creating a new user you can start reinstalling your extensions
i.e. templavoila and framework for templaVoila 2.0.0a1 which is working in 6.1. You can later configure it to use the rendering mode of version 1 via TYPOscript
Unfortunately realurl, wecconfig, weccontentelements, is not working!
framework for templaVoila Version 1.* seems not to be working
If an Extensions leads to a blank page or similar deinstall it manually from localConfiguration file and additionally delete manually the typo3temp/Cache Folder as the link in Install Tool to delete the .temp files seems still to try to delete the now nonexisting .temp files in typo3conf.
Bug #47741
After Installing extensions you might get the following message
"More information regarding this error might be available online."
But there is usually no information but a blank page
Bug #47742
After you have reinstalled the previous extensions
Hopefully enjoy 6.1
Updated by Chris topher over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Chris topher
- Target version deleted (
6.1.1) - Complexity set to nightmare
I am sorry, but whom do you expect to read all this? If I want to have a book, I buy a book.
Please have a look at how to report bugs. This nice text by Simon Tatham might help you. If you want to, you may now have the last words; I will close this issue now.
Updated by Andreas Becker (Andi) over 11 years ago
Hi Christopher
This is exactly the IGNORANCE of some people in the Core Team which brings more and more people away from TYPO3 incl. those who are already gone i.e. WEC!
If you can READ you can READ THIS!
It shows you exactly the way how those errors - a lot of errors - occurred and exactly this is what you were asking for in another thread. Ignoring such things won't bring any usability into TYPO3!
The only Thing what you have actually done right is setting the COMPLEXITY to NIGHTMARE as this is what it is the Install Tool in its current state is a night mare as it is a conglomerate of unstructured lines and tasks which often are numbered in a very unlogically!
Lese doch einfach einmal die Kommentare hier zu 6.1 http://t3n.de/news/typo3-cms-61-schicker-461627/
Updated by Andreas Becker (Andi) over 11 years ago
The first aim of a bug report is to let the programmer see the failure with their own eyes. If you can't be with them to make it fail in front of them, give them detailed instructions so that they can make it fail for themselves.
- You can come here and I can show you and you show me how I can do it ;-) - or you READ the detailed instructions!
In case the first aim doesn't succeed, and the programmer can't see it failing themselves, the second aim of a bug report is to describe what went wrong. Describe everything in detail. State what you saw, and also state what you expected to see. Write down the error messages, especially if they have numbers in.
- This is exactly what we did here and we filled additional bug reports and named them in this bug report as it does not make sense to write down the whole sequence of how we achieved those errors in each single bug report again and again!
By all means try to diagnose the fault yourself if you think you can, but if you do, you should still report the symptoms as well.
- as you can READ in the text we analysed the problems ourself and gave even suggestions how to solve them so that other users who have similar problems can find solutions too. And there are others who already found those solutions helpful!
Be ready to provide extra information if the programmer needs it. If they didn't need it, they wouldn't be asking for it. They aren't being deliberately awkward. Have version numbers at your fingertips, because they will probably be needed.
- As you can see in the Bugs listed and linked in this Report about general usability of the Install Tool you will get immediate answers if you ask and need additional information.
Write clearly. Say what you mean, and make sure it can't be misinterpreted.
- I think the way we are following in setting up a standard TYPO3 site with an existing 4.7 database and only TemplaVoila Framework v 2.0.0a1 and realurl 1.12.4 installed is clear, understandable and can't be misinterpreted if you READ it! Ignoring the text won't give you any additional information Christopher as you don't READ what the user is writing - so how can you try to understand the way a user of TYPO3 is trying and failing to setup TYPO3 properly because of the way the Install Tool is structured?
Above all, be precise. Programmers like precision.
- Well I understand that programmers are different and some might not like this precision and detailed ways or is it because they don't like to READ or place a BOOK IN THEIR SHELFs!
Sorry to be so direct but ignorance won't solve those problems of the Install Tool!
Updated by Georg Ringer over 11 years ago
it is not ignorance but you can't fix those things all in one single commit/change, therefore it is just very hard or impossible to do it with one issue. that is all.
it is great that you collect bugs and report those but please use one issue for one bug/task. it is just like walking: step by step... if you won't to this, nobody will read it as there is just tooo much to do which touches too many areas at the same time ...
you can of course use an umbrella issue and all others as subissues
Updated by Andreas Becker (Andi) over 11 years ago
Well Georg
It is nothing else what I did - it is an umbrella issue which is even properly linked to all subissues. And if redmine has been installed properly it should actually also link back - unfortunately one field is missing - related issues where you could list all those sub issues to be linked properly back to the umbrella issue!
It does not make sense to list all the steps over and over again in 10 or more subissues in each single subissue. Nevertheless you need to read it to understand the steps and than you will find also all subissues. Closing the issue is the wrong approach as it means to ignore and not do anything to get things solved. Instead fill in a "UMBRELLA" marker and everyone knows it is an umbrella until all issues have been solved and than close this issue. Many of those problems exist since many versions and some even had been solved already but somehow came back i.e. the workspace versioning or the missing button at the last step!
Updated by Oliver Hader over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to New
- Assignee changed from Chris topher to Oliver Hader
- Complexity changed from nightmare to medium
Even if the initial bug report mixed several topics, it has valid remarks. Thus, I'm reopening the issue.
Updated by Frank Gerards about 11 years ago
@Chris Toper: You should really be nice to bug reporters or leave the core-team as this a valuable resource for 100s of TYPO3 developers out there.
@Andreas Förthner: Plz keep up the good effort and dont leave TYPO3 community due to some arrogant ppl working in open source projects rolleyes
Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago
Hi Frank,
it always depends on who is asking and how. You can be assured that to others I respond differently.
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Is Regression set to No
Ok, I read through the technical part of this issue again.
I think a lot of issues are already solved in 6.2 (eg. the install tool does not "show whitepage" anymore but now reacts in a clever way).
It is great that the mentioned problems were already split to multiple single sub issues (many of those have also been fixed already).
This issue here is mostly only a collection / story of the smaller issues. I'll now close this one here again and will concentrate on the sub issues.