Bug #56181
closedFAL can't handle folder names starting with umlauts properly
FAL seems to behave weird on folders starting (or only consisting of) with umlauts.
Umlauts seem to be trimmed only at the start. For example: A folder created with the name "ÄÖABC" shows up as "ABC" in the filelist, but the actual name in the filesystem is "ÄÖABC".
A folder only consisting of umlauts, for example "ÄÖÜ", either shows with the parents folder name ("test/ÄÖÜ" shows as "test/test") or with "[no title]" when created at the file storages root level. The foldername in the filesystem is correct though. Multiple folders only consisting of umlauts ("ÄÖÜ", "ÖÄÜ", "ÜÖÄ") in one folder show up as a single folder, with unknown content (either none or maybe of one of the folder).
Foldernames like "KÖABC" seem to work fine though.
Updated by Markus Kasten over 10 years ago
I did some debugging and figured out, basename() ignores any umlauts, since no locale was set. When systemLocale is set to 'de_DE.UTF-8', things seem to work just fine. Same should apply to dirname etc.
Although this is a (at least from PHPs side) documented behavior, it's not an expected behavior and could cause further problems with international installations, i. e. it's not locale safe.
Maybe TYPO3 should implement it's own basename() or use some UTF-8 compatible default locale if systemLocale is not set.
Updated by Marc Bastian Heinrichs over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Priority changed from Must have to -- undefined --
Recently a new check to verify systemlocale was added to install tool in the "System environment" tab.