Bug #58889
closedChecksum in generated images changes
Hi guys,
this is my first post in forge, so please correct me if any further information is missing or I just did not found the according issue.
I have a problem with image generation in 6.1.8:
Some images change the filename (sometimes) after clearing the cache - more concrete the shortmd5-checksum changes for a reason.
The problem is that filenames don't stay consistent which is quite bad for pages which are sent as newsletters. In case this happens the filename changes, but the image itself is not generated. After reloading the page and clearing the cache it works again. Usually the filename changes between two versions but causes that images do not appear on the website.
The page was migrated from 4.x. Mostly the image generation problem occurs with elements which are not using FAL (tt_news).
data getChecksumData(): array(3) {
string(4) "7356"
string(19) "Image.CropScaleMask"
string(204) "a:9:{s:5:"width";s:4:"250c";s:6:"height";s:4:"200c";s:13:"fileExtension";N;s:8:"maxWidth";i:250;s:9:"maxHeight";i:200;s:8:"minWidth";i:0;s:9:"minHeight";i:0;s:7:"noScale";N;s:20:"additionalParameters";N;}"
checksum getConfigurationChecksum(): 78dee28c78
data getChecksumData(): array(3) {
string(4) "7356"
string(19) "Image.CropScaleMask"
string(204) "a:9:{s:5:"width";s:4:"250c";s:6:"height";s:4:"200c";s:13:"fileExtension";N;s:8:"maxWidth";i:250;s:9:"maxHeight";i:200;s:8:"minWidth";i:0;s:9:"minHeight";i:0;s:7:"noScale";N;s:20:"additionalParameters";N;}"
checksum getConfigurationChecksum(): fafdab6470
What can cause such a behaviour? Any hint what the problem could be?
Opcache has already been disabled.