Bug #63684
closedsys_language_uid and sys_language_content are always the same
I'm trying to use content_fallback on a page with 3 languages. The lang uid's are 0,1 and 2.
The requested page exists in all languages. The content is only available in langUid 0 and langUid 1. Not in langUid 2.
My TS setup:
sys_language_mode = content_fallback:1,0 sys_language_overlay is not set.
On "Frontend Localization Guide" it says for "content_fallback : 1,0" the following:
If sys_language_uid(set by &L) = 2 then
TSFE->sys_language_uid = 2
TSFE->sys_language_content = 1
But on my site TSFE->sys_language_content is 2. Whatever i try in content_fallback (0 or 1) the TSFE->sys_language_content is never the fallback language uid. Every time the same like the sys_language_uid.
I tested this in TYPO3 6.2.6 and 6.2.8.
PHP is 5.5.18
Updated by Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten) almost 10 years ago
I forgot the url to the page on Frontend localization guide.
Updated by Markus Klein over 9 years ago
Known to be broken, see also #48673
Updated by Tymoteusz Motylewski over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
If a page is translated then:
- setting sys_language_mode to different values does NOT influence the rendering
- both TSFE->sys_language_uid and TSFE->sys_language_content should have the same value, equals to &L
sys_language_mode is only evaluated when sys_language_uid > 0, and the requested page translation is NOT available.
This setting decides if "pageNotFound" (strict), "content_fallback" with a fallback chain ($TSFE->sys_language_content is set to that value) or "ignore" (just render the page and the content as this translation would exist). When set to "0" or not set "", this means that the page request is using the default language for content and page properties.
Content fallback is evaluated on page level, not on the CE level. So it only makes a difference when the pages_language_overlay for the requested language does not exist.
Whatever i try in content_fallback (0 or 1) the TSFE->sys_language_content is never the fallback language uid. Every time the same like the sys_language_uid.
That's correct. TYPO3 does not have a possibility to configure CE overlay chains. It is possible only for determining a page record.
Please let me know if you have more questions. For now I'm closing the issue.