



Bug #66361


Workspaces: Email Notifications are always sent to members of the current workspace, NOT the selected workspace.

Added by Sven Flesch over 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Should have
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When an editor sends an item from draft workspace to publish (live workspace) then a window shows possible users to be notified.

The function getResponsibleBeUsers() in \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\StagesService collects all users that should be on that list. For that in line 438 all owners and members are selected - from the workspace that the backend user is currently in. Why is that? Should it not be all members and owners of the workspace that the item is sent to?

Why would an editor want to notify all other editors when something is published?

I assume that there is a bug and that $workspaceRec should be the workspace record for the workspace that the item is sent to, not the current workspace.

If I'm wrong, at least there should be an option to limit the list to the workspace owners.

If I'm right, I would gladly commit a fix. Let me know.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Feature #35245: Rework workspace notification settingsClosedOliver Hader2012-03-26

Actions #1

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Assignee set to Mathias Schreiber

Hi Sven,

do you mean "Workspace the user is in" or "stage of a workspace the user is in"?

Either way, good catch :)


Actions #2

Updated by Sven Flesch over 9 years ago

Hi Mathias,

Thanks for looking at the issue!

In my case I have a workspace for editors that does not include any custom stages.

The workflow for the editor is to edit the content, get it checked and then publish it. The editor does the publishing himself. Let's call the workspace for editing the "draft mode". When the editor is in "draft mode" and decides to publish the content then the function getResponsibleBeUsers() selects all users who are associated with that workspace (members or owners).

As I understand it, the members of the workspace would translate to editors of the content, and the owners of the workspace would translate to the supervisors of those editors.

Currently it's not possible to present the members of the workspace (editors) a list of only the workspace owners as possible or preselected recipients. Although this is really the only scenario that makes sense to me.



Actions #3

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
  • Target version changed from 6.2.12 to 6.2.14
Actions #4

Updated by Alexander Opitz about 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from 6.2.14 to 6.2.15
Actions #5

Updated by Alexander Opitz about 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from 6.2.15 to 6.2.16


Do you like to provide a patch?

Actions #6

Updated by Oliver Hader almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

If at all, it's more a conceptual thing instead of a technical bug. However, the notification handling has been enhanced in CMS 7 which now allows one to define the actions and preselections for each workspace individually. See #35245 which was part of 7.5 already. Thus, I guess this issue here can be closed...

Actions #7

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Mathias Schreiber to Sven Flesch
  • Target version deleted (6.2.16)

Hi Sven, could you try TYPO3 7.5 (or newer), if your feature request is fulfilled?

Actions #8

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (Sven Flesch)

No feedback within the last 90 days => closing this issue.

If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience this issue again, then please write to the mailing list typo3.teams.bugs with issue number and an explanation or open a new ticket and add a relation to this ticket number.


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