Feature #68420
Introduce data-processor for flash-messages
Added by Stefan Neufeind over 9 years ago.
Updated over 5 years ago.
Fluid Styled Content
Such a data-processor could be used to fetch messages from a certain queue or all queues, optionally grouped by severity-level, optionally with flushing those messages from the queue.
What do others think: Does it make sense to have this? On the one hand there are viewhelpers for fluid already to interact with flashmessages. But maybe it might still be useful to separate the fetching (configured through typoscript, ...) and then passing that on to a template?
The features of TypoScript should not depend on Fluid. Fluid is just an option.
I commented #64723 how that could be done in TypoScript depending on the core API. IMHO Fluid viewhelpers for messages would be the second step, to not build two systems in parallel.
Sure, you can use flash-messages through other ways as well. Also if you have something that can work with the dataprocessor-interface you are free to use existing dataprocessors with any other output.
- Status changed from New to Rejected
I don't see how this feeds into fluid_styled_content but more into an extension or custom processor, therefore I am closing this issue.
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