Bug #69593
closedLeft multi select field loses selected items
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Is Regression:
Sprint Focus:
Stabilization Sprint
Given is a multi select field, e.g. usergroups in fe_users
and multiple records are assigned to the record
and an editor selects at least 2 items in the left select box
and moves the cursor,
no item is selected anymore.
in 6.2 an editor could select multiple records and move and remove those.
affected browsers: at least FF and chrome
Updated by Frank Nägler over 9 years ago
- Sprint Focus set to Stabilization Sprint
The problem is located in FormEngineValidation.js at line 52:
// Initialize input fields FormEngineValidation.initializeInputFields().promise().done(function () { // Bind to field changes $(document).on('change', FormEngineValidation.rulesSelector, function() { // we need to wait, because the update of the select fields needs some time window.setTimeout(function() { FormEngineValidation.validate(); }, 500); var $paletteField = $(this).closest('.t3js-formengine-palette-field'); $paletteField.addClass('has-change'); });
The setTiemout call calls the validate method which result in "de-select" the selected entries.
Updated by Mathias Brodala over 9 years ago
Confirmed, if $field.val(newValue);
is commented out, the selection stays intact.
Updated by Georg Ringer over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Resolved
resolved in the meantime
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed