Bug #70522
closedStory #69617: FormEngine bugs
processSelectFieldValue needs to happen before any processForeignTableClause is called
Currently the order in the TCA array defines when processSelectFieldValue is called.
However, for relations that e.g. use MM tables and maybe others we have to ensure processSelectFieldValue has been called prior, otherwise the value only contains the count.
I think the best solution would be to create an own FormDataProvider that is called prior to TcaSelectItems
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 9 years ago
- Category changed from Backend API to FormEngine aka TCEforms
- Target version set to 7 LTS
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
hmmm, this is hard to solve.
i think there is a chicken-egg issue here: db value calculation needs the item list which includes foreign_table and other stuff. at the moment is see no way to hack TcaSelectItems provider into two parts.
Also, we currently have no hard issue in this area as far as i can see.
I'd suggest to close this issue for now until we have some hard scenarios that show where the current solution fails in an unsolvable way.