Bug #72537
closedBookmark to content element results in javascript error
It looks like bookmarks to content elements is broken in latest TYPO3 6.2.17
When clicking the bookmark to a content element, you get the following javascript error: Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
The link to the bookmark is not created as should be.
Example of working link in 6.2.14:
<a id="shortcut-label-2" href="#" onclick="jump(unescape('%2Ftypo3%2Falt_doc.php%3F%26returnUrl%3D%252Ftypo3%252Fsysext%252Fcms%252Flayout%252Fdb_layout.php%253Fid%253D150%26edit%5Btt_content%5D%5B466%5D%3Dedit%26defVals%3D%26overrideVals%3D%26columnsOnly%3D%26returnNewPageId%3D%26editRegularContentFromId%3D%26disHelp%3D%26noView%3D%26SET%5BshowPalettes%5D%3D1'),'web_layout','web', 0);; return false;">Rediger Sideindhold (Anvend informationer fra nettet til jobbrug)</a>
Example of broken link in 6.2.17:
<a id="shortcut-label-2" href="#" onclick="jump(unescape('%2Ftypo3%2Falt_doc.php%3FreturnUrl%3Dmod.php%253FM%253Dweb_list%2526moduleToken%253D71295e5ca96f6b193a92bc655b984e2e5cbc1834%2526id%253D543%2526imagemode%253D1%26edit%255Btt_content%255D%255B1358%255D%3Dedit%26defVals%3D%26overrideVals%3D%26columnsOnly%3D%26returnNewPageId%3D%26editRegularContentFromId%3D%26disHelp%3D%26noView%3D%26SET%255BshowPalettes%255D%3D1'),'' top.currentModuleLoaded '','' top.currentModuleLoaded '', 0);; return false;">Shortcut</a>
Looks like argument 2 and 3 of the jump function is not correct.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.2.18 to Candidate for patchlevel
I tried with version 6.2.23: the bookmark link is still not correct, because it is called "shortcut", no matter if the CE has an headline or not, but I don't get a javascript error. Can you confirm?
Updated by Wouter Wolters over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
No feedback within the last 90 days => closing this issue.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience this issue again, then please write to the mailing list typo3.teams.bugs with issue number and an explanation or open a new ticket and add a relation to this ticket number.