I have not understood if this issue is related to gridelements, which adds the "paste as reference" functionality.
I tried the following test with TYPO3 9.5.1-dev (latest master)
- TYPO3 installation with two languages (default: eg. Italian) and another one (e.g. id=2 english)
- full configured site configuration for the two languages
test procedure 1¶
1) create a page "PROVA" in default language
2) translate it in english ("TEST")
3) create a content element (e.g. headline) in the page created at point 1)
4) translate the content element ("connected mode")
5) create another page "PROVA2"
6) translate it ("TEST2")
7) copy the element created at point 3) with the context menu
8) paste it into "PROVA"
- both the content element and its translation are copied and pasted: the content element created at point 4) is pasted into the page created at point 6)
test procedure 2¶
1) create a page "PROVA" in default language
2) translate it in english ("TEST")
3) create a content element (e.g. headline) in the page created at point 1)
4) translate the content element ("connected mode")
5) create another page "PROVA2"
6) translate it ("TEST2")
7) go to page created at point 5) and create a content element, type: "Special elements > Insert records "
8) edit the element and add to it the element created at point 3)
9) translate the content element created at point 8) ("connected mode")
- the translated "insert record" element already contains the same element as its default original record (so the TYPO3 interface shows the title in default language)
- but on the frontend, it shows the element in the correct language.