Bug #75706
closedRTE Image Problem
1. System Environment:
TYPO3: 7.6.2
PHP: 5.5
2. Problem/Test-Cases:
Little strange :) Getting an issue while inserting image in RTE, Somehow displaying wrong dialogue window, Please find an attached 7.6.2_RTE_Image_Problem.png
3. Solution:
With Upgrading to TYPO3 7.6.4 or latest TYPO3 version - This isse has bene resolved, Please find an attached 7.6.4_RTE_Solution.png
Updated by Benni Mack almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
so you're saying 7.6.4 shows the correct dialogue, but 7.6.2 did not?
Could you share your RTE configuration (TSconfig) please? Also, if you opened it up as an admin or editor?
Updated by Sanjay Chuahan almost 9 years ago
Hey Benni!
so you're saying 7.6.4 shows the correct dialogue, but 7.6.2 did not?
Exactly, Right.
Could you share your RTE configuration (TSconfig) please?
Sure, Please find an attached file.
Also, if you opened it up as an admin or editor?
Yes with admin user
Team iTUG
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 9 years ago
sorry, but there is no attached file.
Said that... aren't we talking about this: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/71494 ?
Updated by Sanjay Chuahan almost 9 years ago
- File RTE-TSConfig.ts.txt RTE-TSConfig.ts.txt added
sorry, but there is no attached file.
Oops, Sorry - Please find an attached files now.
Said that... aren't we talking about this: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/71494 ?
Humm, Right. Insert image not working in RTE - "insert link" wizard opens instead "insert image"
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 9 years ago
so... can we close this issue as already solved (simply by upgrading to 7.6.4 or higher) or there is something left?
Updated by Sanjay Chuahan almost 9 years ago
Yep! You could close this issue but make sure the same changes already merge to TYPO3 7.6.2 (if necessary ;)
Updated by Wouter Wolters almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
The only option you have here is to update that installation to 7.6.4 or higher. There won't be a new 7.6.2 release.
Closing the issue now.