Bug #76921
closedthumbnail in TCA "ctrl" is broken
In TYPO3 7 LTS, the "thumbnail" configuration of the TCA is broken : https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TCAReference/Reference/Ctrl/Index.html#thumbnail
In the current master it is ok. I have not test it with TYPO3 6.2 or another version.
Updated by Eric Chavaillaz over 8 years ago
To be more accurate, the thumbnail is not showed in the list module.
The img tag is not displayed, there is nothing.
Updated by Wouter Wolters over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
What exactly is broken? We had a fix in master and 7.6 for the thumbnail configuration..
Updated by Eric Chavaillaz over 8 years ago
- File Capture du 2016-07-04 08-29-53.png Capture du 2016-07-04 08-29-53.png added
- File Capture du 2016-07-04 08-31-57.png Capture du 2016-07-04 08-31-57.png added
If you see my attached screenshot (list mode), below my "Test" content element, a thumbnail must be showed. There is none.
If you see my second attached screenshot (page mode), we can see the thumbnail.
Tested with the last TYPO3 7.6.10.
Updated by Benni Mack over 8 years ago
Hey Eric,
can you check if your BE user has the "thumbnailsByDefault" option in his/her user settings activated? This triggers the rendering inside the list module.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
- Assignee set to Benni Mack
Updated by Eric Chavaillaz about 8 years ago
You can close this issue, the bug comes from gridelements.