



Task #77326


Don't exclude node_modules and bower_components from packaging.

Added by Stefan Galinski almost 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Should have
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The current TYPO3 behaviour to remove the node_modules directory causes harm as this directories are usually not temporary garbage folders. Every extension is affected which want to use npm for keeping their frontend deps up2date. Please remove the last two entries in the following string. Thanks!

'excludeForPackaging' => '(?:\\..*(?!htaccess)|.*~|.*\\.swp|.*\\.bak|\\.sass-cache|node_modules|bower_components)',

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #70097: excludeForPackaging: exclude common files/directoriesClosedJosef F. Glatz (Old User)2015-09-25

Actions #1

Updated by Frans Saris almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

You use the build stuff from core for your own extensions/project?

I wouldn't recommend that and just add your own npm configuration. We keep the node_modules etc from our version system, only have the package.json in there.
It is only something you need for local development.

Actions #2

Updated by Georg Ringer almost 8 years ago

This is the default setting of the extension manager for downloads of extensions but it can be changed in the Install Tool.

so why not changing it to the things you need?

Actions #3

Updated by Stefan Galinski almost 8 years ago

Hi Franz,

Yes. For the regular development we have also our global gulp toolchain ( The node_modules with all gulp related stuff is excluded in this case and this is fine. Our web related frontend deps like jquery, tinymce, angularjs and so on are inside extensions and we don't exclude this directories to simplify our workflows.

However this is not the problem and I already lived this with in my mind and we usually copy such stuff on the command line. The problem appears if you start to share extensions inside the TER. Currently we are renaming the node_modules directory. If the exclude setting really applies only for the zip downloads in the TER extension manager at least I can live with it. The problem is that there is no information that such directories are simply dropped from the packaged extensions and I'm not sure if the most developers out where know how to handle this. I can imagine that some guys out there already had this problems and solved it then differently or wondered why there extension is broken after a download/upload to another instance via the zip file.

Hi Georg,

I already changed this in our base. Thanks for your hint. This fixes the problem for me if the TER or download/install processes in TYPO3 don't apply this setting again. In my opinion this is not a good default/behaviour as I explained above.

Thanks for you fast feedback, guys! :-)

Actions #4

Updated by Georg Ringer almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected

I am closing this issue. If you want to share extensions via TER, just provide either bower.json or package.json or the final css/js files. There is no reason to ship the temp files of npm


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