Bug #79069
openAllows to add/remove --div-- in pageTsConfig
With the methods addItemsFromPageTsConfig/removeItemsByRemoveItemsPageTsConfig (TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormDataProvider), it is possible to add/remove items to a select column.
Actually it is possible to deal only with one separator(--div--) like this : TCEFORM.table.field.addItems.--div-- = Separator
If I try to add another separator, the first one is overriden.
I purpose to change the syntax like in the extension "news". To add a separator, the syntax must be like this : TCEFORM.table.field.addItems.10 = --div--,Separator
In addition an item with this syntax TCEFORM.table.field.addItems.--div-- = Separator
must be by passed.
The same must be set when removing items with removeItems, I purpose a syntax like this : TCEFORM.table.field.removeItems = 10, 20,--div--|Separator
(the name of the --div-- after the pipe).
Finally, if items are sets directly in the TCA and an item is added with the same key in pageTsConfig, the item is added instead of override the TCA item (the result is a select box with same values). This muste be avoided.