Bug #82798
closedLinkhandler for records works only when BE user is logged in
when i use the linkhandler for my news records as described here:
the link only works while a BE user is logged in. After log out the link disappears.
Page TsConfig:
TCEMAIN.linkHandler.tx_news { handler = TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler label = News configuration { table = tx_news_domain_model_news storagePid = 20 hidePageTree = 1 } scanAfter = page }
config.recordLinks.tx_news { typolink { parameter = 4 additionalParams.data = field:uid additionalParams.wrap = &tx_news_pi1[news]=| useCacheHash = 1 } }
TYPO 8.7.8
news 6.1.1
Updated by Markus Dübbert over 7 years ago
it seems to be a difference where the page tsconfig is embedded.
if the page tsconfig is embedded in the root page it works.
if it is embedded in an extension, it doesn't.
we can close this issue
Updated by Benjamin Robinson almost 6 years ago
It should also be possible to use the linkhandler if TsConfig is initialized via ext_tables.php in a site-extension like ...
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPageTSConfig('<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:EXT:user_site/Configuration/TsConfig/Page">');
... or ...
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::registerPageTSConfigFile( 'user_site', 'Configuration/TSconfig/Page/PageDefaults.tsconfig', 'My PageDefaults.tsconfig' );
This does not work in 9.5.4 if the fe-page cache is generated by someone whithout BE-login.
It does work if the file is included in the root pages TSconfig (page properties):
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:EXT:user_site/Configuration/TsConfig/Page">
Can we reopen this issue?
Updated by Benjamin Robinson almost 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #87574: Redirects to records (linkHandler) don't work added
Updated by Tina Westner almost 4 years ago
I think, this issue is still existing in 10.4.15.
Linkhandler is configured correctly in PageTSConfig and TypoScript.
When I include the Linkhandler-PageTSConfig via ext_tables.php, then:
--> Clearing Cache --> Calling the page with existing be-login --> the linkhandler-links are generated and fe-cache is written fine, too.
--> Clearing Cache --> Calling the page without existing be-login first --> the linkhandler-links are not there (text, but not linked) and this version is in fe-cache as well.
When I include the Linkhandler-PageTSConfig via Pagetree, then
-> in both cases the links are generated and the fe-cache is written correctly.
(The reason for including via ext_tables.php was, that I need the linkhandler-options in redirect-module. For the moment I include the config twice, so both problems are solved.)
Updated by Oliver Bartsch almost 4 years ago
Hi Tina, do you use ExtensionManagementUtility->addPageTSConfig()
for including the Page TSconfig? If so, please move this into your ext_localconf.php
. This way it works for me without problems. Also have a look at the corresponding PHPDoc of addPageTSConfig
which states:
* Adds $content to the default Page TSconfig as set in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][BE]['defaultPageTSconfig'] * Prefixed with a [GLOBAL] line * FOR USE IN ext_localconf.php FILE
In case you are using ExtensionManagementUtility::registerPageTSConfigFile
, this must go into Configuration/TCA/Overrides/pages.php
. This possibility however also works for me in both ways (ext_tables.php
and pages.php
Is there something else to take into consideration?
Updated by Tina Westner almost 4 years ago
Hi Oli,
thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I read of ext_tables.php in some tickets and did not think about it, just tried. But that was wrong, of course.
Everything works now after putting the line in ext_localconf.php
thank you.