Feature #83134
openRe-implement Update storage index [File Abstraction Layer]
Indexer should work based on the whitelist and iterate over all sys_file records in db and check if file exists in file system, if file doesn't the record should be deleted. If file's modification_date was changed the record should be updated. This operation should be divided into small chunks.
class related to this task: \TYPO3\CMS\Scheduler\Task\FileStorageIndexingTask
Updated by Frans Saris almost 7 years ago
Records are already updated by the task. And missing files are marked as missing.
What exactly do you want to approve?
Updated by Pawel Cieslik almost 7 years ago
currently indexer iterate over all files in specific storage folder and later it updates database, GC task can have really big table with IDs of records which exist in filesystem and database. Later GC task is making query to database and choose all records from sys_file which are not in this really big table with IDs.
such task is really memory and resource consuming. changing order will reduce memory and cpu usage.
Updated by Susanne Moog over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 9.0 to Candidate for Major Version
Updated by Thomas Sam Wittich about 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #91934: File abstraction layer: works odd with reindexing / extracting added