



Bug #86151


DatabaseQueryProcessor find_in_set in orderBy Clause fails

Added by Kay Strobach almost 6 years ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Must have
Database API (Doctrine DBAL)
Target version:
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% Done:


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TYPO3 Version:
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Is Regression:
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Code from current 7.6 project - verified to work properly

# Add content element teaser
tt_content {
    menu =< lib.fluidContent
    menu {
        templateName = Teaser.html
        dataProcessing {
            10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
            10 {
                if.isTrue.field = pages
                table = pages
                uidInList.field = pages
                pidInList = 0
                as = pageUids
                orderBy {
                    dataWrap = find_in_set(uid,'|')
                    field = pages

                dataProcessing {
                    10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
                    10 {
                        references.fieldName = media
                        as = files
            20 < .10
            20 {
                if.isTrue.field = selected_categories
                fieldName = selected_categories
                as = categoryUids
        stdWrap {
            # Setup the edit icon for content element "menu" 
            editIcons = tt_content: header [header_layout], menu_type, pages
            editIcons {
       = LLL:EXT:fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Language/

The code utilizes find_in_set to ensure, that the order of the values in the select field is honored for the menu entries.

The problem lays in

\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor::process -> L 93
\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::getRecords -> L 7075
\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::exec_getQuery -> L 7056
\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::getQuery -> L 7224
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\QueryBuilder::addOrderBy --> L 811
$this->concreteQueryBuilder->addOrderBy($this->connection->quoteIdentifier($fieldName), $order);
                                           ^-- add escaping sequence, which breaks the query for that special case

I would expect the find_in_set function to work properly.

We have 3 working workarounds, which are both not optimal:

  • remove ordering or order via title
  • use a second php based Dataprocessor to get the ordering right
  • use native queries and bypass doctrine querybuilder

I consider that as a bug, as it breaks functionality which was there for a very long time.
On the other hand escaping the values in the querybuilder might avoid certain security vectors.

I'm excited to get your feedback.

Actions #1

Updated by Kay Strobach almost 6 years ago

btw. find_in_set is mysql specific, so the doctrine behaviour might be right. Maybe a more generic approach to that problem might solve it in the end

Actions #2

Updated by Susanne Moog over 4 years ago

  • Category set to Database API (Doctrine DBAL)
Actions #3

Updated by Henrik Ziegenhain over 4 years ago

Hi, this issue is reproducible at least for TYPO3 v8 and v9 - did not test v10 yet.

In my eyes "find_in_set" is the only way to get the ordering out of a select field when using the DatabaseQueryProcessor

Actions #4

Updated by Matthias Kappenberg almost 4 years ago

This should work in 8,9 and 10

dataProcessing.10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
dataProcessing.10 {
    // next line does not workt A: will be escaped, B: unknown colunm error..
    // orderBy.dataWrap = FIND_IN_SET(uid,'{field:pages}')
    // what should do the trick
    selectFields.dataWrap = *,FIND_IN_SET(uid,'{field:pages}') AS foobar_sort
    orderBy = foobar_sort

Actions #5

Updated by Niels Tiedt almost 3 years ago

Matthias Kappenberg wrote in #note-4:

This should work in 8,9 and 10

Can confirm that this problem also exist in TYPO3 v10 and your solution work!

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Oehlhof over 1 year ago

Niels Tiedt wrote in #note-5:

Matthias Kappenberg wrote in #note-4:

This should work in 8,9 and 10

Can confirm that this problem also exist in TYPO3 v10 and your solution work!

When using the QueryBuilder in an Extension the solution won't work because adding "FIND_IN_SET(...) AS ..." to the select field list escaped the whole expression.

Actions #7

Updated by Jasmina Ließmann about 1 year ago

The solution described in #86151#note-4 also works in TYPO3 v11.
However, Workspace cannot handle this - using the preview in Workspace returns an error:

(1/3) Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidFieldNameException
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT `uid`, `pid`, ... , `foobar_sort` FROM `tt_content` WHERE (`t3ver_wsid` = ?) AND (((`uid` = ?) AND (`t3ver_state` = ?)) OR (`t3ver_oid` = ?)) AND (`tt_content`.`deleted` = 0) LIMIT 1' with params [...]: Unknown column 'foobar_sort' in 'field list'
Actions #8

Updated by Matthias Kappenberg 8 months ago

Workspace seems to me like an orphan child, ...
Sorry that my solution does not provide a workaround.
Is it possible that you share more information about your Workspace Setup?
And when the DB error pops up?

Actions #9

Updated by Andreas Kokott 8 months ago

Jasmina Ließmann wrote in #note-7:

The solution described in #86151#note-4 also works in TYPO3 v11.
However, Workspace cannot handle this - using the preview in Workspace returns an error:


A possible workaround for the issue in workspaces would be to use an existing column for the solution Matthias described.
Using a sorting field instead of foobar_sort worked without side effects for me.

Actions #10

Updated by Jasmina Ließmann 6 months ago

Andreas Kokott wrote in #note-9:

A possible workaround for the issue in workspaces would be to use an existing column for the solution Matthias described.
Using a sorting field instead of foobar_sort worked without side effects for me.

I can confirm Andreas' suggested solution. Using an existing sort field solved the problem for me.


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