Bug #86553
closedWorkspaces stagin action change fatal error.
Function buildUriForWorkspaceSplitPreview of TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Preview\PreviewUriBuilder throws fatal error if called with $addDomain = true
at line
return BackendUtility::getViewDomain($uid) . 'index.php?redirect_url=' . urlencode($viewScript);
Which says that urlencode must have string as argument and not an object.
I assume this line must be changed to
return BackendUtility::getViewDomain($uid) . 'index.php?redirect_url=' . urlencode((string)$viewScript);
as we have at sting below in $addDomain = false case.
Workspaces staging action change are not working because of it.
After that change performed form can be submitted and mails are send, but markers
'###PREVIEW_LINK###'] and ['###SPLITTED_PREVIEW_LINK###'] are wrongly rendered with TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Preview\PreviewUriBuilder
it still uses old style URLs and preview link f.e. looks like:
Which causes 404 Page Not Found status.
if manually change url to speaking one and add generated ADMCMD argument all works fine.
Updated by Georg Ringer over 6 years ago
- Category changed from Workspaces to Site Handling, Site Sets & Routing
Updated by Andreas Kienast about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Issue has been resolved with #86928, so I'll close this ticket now.