Bug #87055
closedfe_users table sets "identifier" as primary key, instead of "uid"
This is what my TYPO3 want to create in Database Compare:
CREATE TABLE fe_users ( `identifier` varchar(85) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, pid int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `tstamp` int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `cruser_id` int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `deleted` smallint unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `disable` smallint unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `starttime` int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `endtime` int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `description` text DEFAULT NULL, `tx_extbase_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, `username` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `password` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `usergroup` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `NAME` varchar(160) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `first_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `middle_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `last_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `telephone` varchar(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `fax` varchar(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `locktodomain` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `uc` blob DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `zip` varchar(10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `city` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `country` varchar(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `www` varchar(80) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `company` varchar(80) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `image` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `tsconfig` text DEFAULT NULL, `lastlogin` int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `is_online` int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `felogin_redirectpid` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `felogin_forgothash` varchar(80) DEFAULT '', `uid` int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `crdate` int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `TABLE` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, INDEX `parent` (pid, username(100)), INDEX `username` (username(100)), INDEX `is_online` (is_online), PRIMARY KEY(identifier) ) DEFAULT character SETSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci engine = innodb
PRIMARY KEY(identifier)
This causes errors in backend. Tested with TYPO3 9.5.1.
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
there is no field identifier in TYPO3 core in table fe_users?!
Updated by Armin Vieweg almost 6 years ago
True. I'm also very confused. I've searched the whole core for VARCHAR 85
but I've only found VARCHAR 80
I think that this new "SchemaParser" is the reason. But I did not figure out, why this happens. It does not happen on all my 9.5 installations.
Updated by Armin Vieweg almost 6 years ago
`NAME` varchar(160) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `TABLE` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
are strange cols. And I swear, I've copied it 1:1 from DatabaseCompare in Install Tool.
Updated by Armin Vieweg almost 6 years ago
Okay I was able to reproduce the steps:
1. Checkout https://bitbucket.org/t--3/signing
2. Change directory to root of extension
3. Perform vagrant up
This Vagrantbox requires:
- VirtualBox
- and the Vagrant plugin: bindfs, hostmanager and winnfsd (for windows only).
It uses NFS to sync data.
The provisioning scripts fetch and install TYPO3 automatically (using typo3_console). Now when I create the first fe_user, I get this error in backend:
Argument 3 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\History\RecordHistoryStore::addRecord() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/typo3_9/public/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/DataHandling/DataHandler.php on line 7321
The fe_users record has been created, with UID 0.
Also identifier and table columns are existing, but both contain an empty string.
Now I can't create a second user. This causes the following notice in backend:
2: SQL error: 'Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'' (fe_users:NEW5c051f80b7be3508774189
When I delete the fe_users table and check the Database Compare, I'll get the SQL from the description in this issue.
Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago
Hey armin,
so you want to create a table called "fe_users" where "uid" is NOT the primary key? This won't work.
Updated by Armin Vieweg almost 6 years ago
Oh man... I'm that blind. Totally my fault! Sorry.
Please reject this issue. Thanks!
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
@Armin Vieweg thank you for your feedback.
Closed as agreed with the reporter.