Bug #87998
closedError handling on multidomain
On my TYPO3 setup (8.7.24, realurl 2.5.0) I have a page not found handling like:
'pageNotFound_handling' => 'USER_FUNCTION:typo3conf/class.user_notfound.php:user_notFound->pageNotFound'
This works fine, but only on the first website. The others try to access a /404/ page on the website domain (one redirects to https://www.domain.com/404/, the others display the 404 page of the domain without redirect). If there is no 404 page, I get an error:
#1509296606: Failed to fetch error page "http://domain.de/404/", reason: Server error: `GET http://domain.de/404/` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR (truncated...) (More information)
Strange behaviour, but I can not find a misconfiguration, is this a bug? At first I had 'pageNotFound_handling' => '/404/', but this is commented out.