Bug #88890
openURL segments (slugs) of translated pages should be autogenerated
When creating a new page and not set a slug it gets autogenerated.
But when translating a page the slug gets pre-filled with "translate-to-target-language-original-title" and thus is not auto-generated with teh real title on saving.
The slug field should initially be empty on a newly translated page record.
While not technically a "bug", this is a big nuisance for non-technical editors in large envorinments. The UX can be improved here by emptying the slug initially to trigger the auto-filling when no slug is entered manually.
Updated by Jo Hasenau about 4 years ago
Actually this is a bit more than just nuisance as soon as you are going to automatically translate pages and/or other tables containing slug fields.
The problem is the same, but it does not get noticed.
So after the import of properly translated L10nmgr XML files containing properly translated titles, the slug fields of those translated records still contain "translate-to-language-original-language-title" as a value.
Since there is nobody actively editing those records, those slug values will be taken as is and provide wrong paths for each language other than default.
Updated by Jo Hasenau about 4 years ago
- Subject changed from URL segments (slugs) of translated pages must be updated manually (UX flaw) to URL segments (slugs) of translated pages must be updated manually
Updated by Jo Hasenau over 1 year ago
- Related to Story #101561: DataHandler related translation issues added
Updated by Jo Hasenau over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from URL segments (slugs) of translated pages must be updated manually to URL segments (slugs) of translated pages should be autogenerated
Updated by S P about 1 month ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 9 to 12
Still valid in v12 and AFAIK no configuration for this.