Bug #90120
closedYAML forms are not FAL safe
If you change the location of a file inside TYPO3, you would usually expect that the file abstraction layer will internally handle the changes, so the file can still be accessed from the frontend. (no hard-wired paths to the original file location)
This is not the case, if you change the location of a YAML form. If you go to the filelist and change the location of a yaml form, frontend pages that are using this form in a plugin will now break, because the forms location can't be resolved anymore.
I suppose this is because of the flexform configuration of the form plugin. - The flexform saves the original file location to the yaml instead of utilizing FAL.
Updated by Björn Jacob over 3 years ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 10 to 11
- Sprint Focus deleted (
Remote Sprint)
Hint: Form definitions cannot be accessed anymore via "filelist". Have to check, how to proceed with this issue.
Updated by Georg Ringer 8 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
as the form files can't be accessed via filelist, I am closing this issue