We can not change the method as PageErrorHandlerInterface
is an interface and we can't add method arguments – not even optional/nullable ones.
We'd need to add a new StatusAndCongfigurationAwarePageErrorHandlerInterface
with a new method.
I think it's not that nice for the core code to have to handle mutliple error handler interface types…
Still it is a good Idea to support dependency injection!
I think I'd rather prefer a new handler type "Factory" (additonal to "PHP" which wouldn't be removed).
The factory would be a container service that implements `PageErrorHandlerFactoryInterface`.
The interface for such factories would look something like this:
interface PageErrorHandlerFactoryInterface {
public function createErrorHandler(
int $statusCode,
?array $errorHandlerConfiguration = null
): PageErrorHandlerInterface;
This factory could then instantiate an own implementation of an error handler: That could either be a DI prototype class (shared: false) that contains a setter for $statusCode + $configuration (whatever you actually need) or simply an anonymous class…
Here is an example for an anonymous class:
class MyPageErrorHandlerFactory implements PageErrorHandlerFactoryInterface {
public function __construct(MyDependency $myDependency) {
$this->myDependency = $myDependency;
public function createErrorHandler(
int $statusCode,
?array $errorHandlerConfiguration = null
): PageErrorHandlerInterface {
return new class($myDependency, $statusCode, $errorHandlerConfiguration) implements PageErrorHandlerInterface {
public function __construct(MyDependency $myDependency, int $statusCode, ?array $errorHandlerConfiguration = null) {
$this->myDependency = $myDependency;
$this->status = $statusCode;
public function handlePageError(ServerRequestInterface $request, string $message, array $reasons = []): ResponseInterface {
// Do something using $this->myDependency here
The page configuration would looks something like:
errorCode: '404'
errorHandler: Factory
errorFactoryService: Vendor\ExtensionName\ErrorHandlers\MyPageErrorHandlerFactory
# or maybe rather
errorHandlerFactoryService: Vendor\ExtensionName\ErrorHandlers\MyPageErrorHandlerFactory
# or just (to be discussed)
errorHandlerFactory: Vendor\ExtensionName\ErrorHandlers\MyPageErrorHandlerFactory
Of course, this is just my taste, I'll ask other core devs whether they would be fine with such interface.
Do you want to try to start coding on that, or should I do?