



Feature #91623


Migration from RealURL to normal V9 Slugs: Folders are preferred over pages

Added by Lukas Dörr about 4 years ago. Updated 10 days ago.

Needs Feedback
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While Migrating a page from V8 to V9 i found out, that - if a folder structure looks the same like a page structure, the folder structure is converted first to slugs. That is a big problem, because the normal page links won't work anymore.


Old page:
folder (/datensätze/hilfe) = No slug
page (hilfe) = /de/hilfe

After upgrade
folder (/datensätze/hilfe) = /de/hilfe
page (hilfe) = /de/hilfe-1

I don't think folders need slugs, so the slugs should be disabled by default and only activated if needed.

Actions #1

Updated by Oliver Hader about 4 years ago

  • Target version deleted (9.5.18 & 10.4.3)

Since a "folder" is technically a "page" as well, it has a slug. Besides that, it is possible to change the type of a "folder" back to e.g. "standard page".

However, it is possible to rename the auto-generated slug from /datensaetze/hilfe to /hilfe.

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Hader about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Tags set to pending-close
Actions #3

Updated by Lukas Dörr about 4 years ago

Oliver Hader wrote:

Since a "folder" is technically a "page" as well, it has a slug. Besides that, it is possible to change the type of a "folder" back to e.g. "standard page".

However, it is possible to rename the auto-generated slug from /datensaetze/hilfe to /hilfe.

So, when there is a page with like 3000 pages, and 1500 of them are data in folders, we need to do this by hand?

What about my idea, making pages with more preferred by migrating than folders?

Actions #4

Updated by Stephan Auer almost 4 years ago

I would like to agree with Lukas here. A frequently occurring example: A news overview with the page title "News". At the same time a storage folder, also with the name "News". This leads to manual corrections in many upgrades.
Additionally with the side-effect that both entries get the slug "news" (i.e. without numbering). That means you get the non-existing folder contents.

Tested on TYPO3 10.4.5

Actions #5

Updated by Lukas Dörr almost 4 years ago

Stephan Auer wrote:

I would like to agree with Lukas here. A frequently occurring example: A news overview with the page title "News". At the same time a storage folder, also with the name "News". This leads to manual corrections in many upgrades.
Additionally with the side-effect that both entries get the slug "news" (i.e. without numbering). That means you get the non-existing folder contents.

Tested on TYPO3 10.4.5

Another good example, why there needs to be something more useful, than changing it manually. How i said, whats about creating something like "pages will be preferred to folders at update"?

Actions #6

Updated by Lukas Dörr almost 4 years ago

  • Tags deleted (pending-close)
Actions #7

Updated by Georg Ringer 10 days ago

  • Sprint Focus set to Needs Decision

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