



Bug #91870


TYPO3 v. 10.4 Caching and Speaking URLs

Added by Uwe Beck over 4 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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I've upgraded a TYPO3 v. 8.7 installation too v. 10.4. One problem remains after checking and fixing all the language settings.
After clicking a while through the web site, the pages in the cache change suddenly to faulty pages. One part of the links are then written with a-tags that don't have a href attributes. The other part are proper links to the correct page but to another language. It happens mostly to the default language (German). Some links are appended with &L=3 or &L=4 after the last forward slash. The appended id (=4 or =3) of the language as well as the faulty language links may change with a new triggering of the error. After clearing the cache the site works well until the next sudden break-down of the links. When the cache stays switched off everything works fine.

Question, why does the cache change suddenly half an hour, one hour or more after having cleared the cache? That is, the pages suddenly have erroneous links. Content stays always OK.

Ideally the configuration is set to no_cache=0 instead of no_cache=1 since this keeps the site error free.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Task #86054: Slug Handling does not add config.linkVarsClosedBenni Mack2018-08-31

Actions #1

Updated by Karina Helena Reinhardt about 4 years ago

We have a similar issue with 9.5.23 and Chrome. Our users have reported that out of the blue some links in menus were not linked anymore, but not all the links on the page were broken. Till now, we did not get a chance to inspect the problem ourselves, but flushing caches helped to solve it. In our case the problem occurred only in Chrome.

Actions #2

Updated by Torben Hansen about 4 years ago

  • Related to Task #86054: Slug Handling does not add config.linkVars added
Actions #3

Updated by Torben Hansen about 4 years ago

This problem can be resolved by removing the L parameter from config.linkVars. See #86054 for details.

Actions #4

Updated by Pierre Martin almost 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue on Typo3 v9.5.19. I have 3 languages (fr, en, es) with fr as default.
Sometimes, the french page contains links to another language : english or spanish URLs - The link title is right, in French.

I finally reproduced the problem after reading the comment from Torben, by adding ?L=1 into the URL. And confirm that removing the L paramater from config.linkVars works

But I don't understand how this bug can happen on the website ? I really don't think users add this parameter to the URL.
  • Do you have an explanation about that ?
  • What is the impact of removing the L parameter from the config ? How can I be sure that won't break some features on the website ?
Actions #5

Updated by Franz Kugelmann over 3 years ago

We had the same issue, removing the L paramater from config.linkVars works.
In our case bots were requesting these URLs. And kept doing it, because the L-Parameter was also added to the generated canonicalURL and hreflang-Links.
Thanks Torben!

Actions #6

Updated by Pierre Martin over 3 years ago

Thanks for the comment Franz !

In our case, I don't see the L-Parameter in the canonicalURL or hreflang-links. We have this :

<link rel="canonical" href="/fr/">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-FR" href="/fr/">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-EN" href="/en/">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="/es/">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="/fr/">

I'm still a bit confused about that :/
I think you're right about bots because the issue is not reproduced a lot in our case...

Can you please explain me where we have to change this configuration and how to do it exactly ?

Thank you for your help !

Actions #7

Updated by Benni Mack over 3 years ago

  • Target version changed from next-patchlevel to Candidate for patchlevel
Actions #8

Updated by Benni Mack about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Will close this issue now. Seems like "config.linkVars" should not contain the "L" parameter anymore in TYPO3 v10 setups.


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