Bug #91915
openView button in TCEForm does not refresh and focus frontend tab
In a tt_content element, the view button is simply a link to the current page with an anchor.
On subsequent saves and hitting the view button, the frontend does not refresh, and keeps showing the previous state.
Previously, the window also received the focus which does not seem to work reliable anymore.
Browsers: current versions of Chrome and Firefox
TYPO3 10.4.6
Updated by Jörn Wagner about 4 years ago
Can confirm, still a problem in 10.4.9.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 4 years ago
- Category set to Backend User Interface
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 4 years ago
I tested and reproduced it on latest master (11.0.0-dev) with the following procedure
1) Page view > select a page with a content element with an Header
2) click on the content element icon > show
result: a different tab opens and show the frontend page with the content element.
3) click on the content element icon > edit
4) change the Header, save and close
5) click on the content element icon > show
result: you switch to the previously opened tab, but the content is not changed
The same issue does not seem to occur with this procedure:
1) Page view > select a page with a content element with an Header
2) click on the content element icon > edit
3) Click on the View button on the top
result: a different tab opens and show the frontend page with the content element.
4) change the Header, save
5) Click again on the view button
result: you switch to the previously opened tab, and it refreshes itself so the content is changed
Please let us know if you use different steps or there are scenarios I am missing
Updated by Jörn Wagner about 4 years ago
Riccardo De Contardi wrote in #note-3:
The same issue does not seem to occur with this procedure:
1) Page view > select a page with a content element with an Header
2) click on the content element icon > edit
3) Click on the View button on the topresult: a different tab opens and show the frontend page with the content element.
4) change the Header, save
5) Click again on the view buttonresult: you switch to the previously opened tab, and it refreshes itself so the content is changed
Please let us know if you use different steps or there are scenarios I am missing
No, that still does not refresh the page for me. As long as you click the "view" button on the content element page, it opens the window with an anchor and does not refresh. It does work on "Save & Close" (or rather, "Close" while acknowledging the popup to save changes), because then you're back on the backend layout and the view icon does not include an anchor.
I think some JavaScript would have to be triggered to get both the refresh and anchor feature.
Updated by Jörn Wagner about 4 years ago
Okay, so I've tried to add some JavaScript in the FormEngine.js
on line 980:
window.open('', 'newTYPO3frontendWindow').location.reload();
That would do the trick, but unfortunately the browser doesn't like this if the backend domain does not match the frontend domain:
FormEngine.js?bust=redacted:980 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "https://backend-domain.example.org" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
Edit: Obviously, this needs to be added in lines 996 and 1004 as well.
Updated by Stig Nørgaard Færch about 4 years ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 10 to 9
Can confirm this on 9.5.23 as well.
The funny thing is that it is not a problem on my Macbook on Firefox and Chrome. The same goes for BrowserStack with Chrome.
But it is a problem on my colleagues Windows computers.
Updated by Mohamed Masmoudi almost 2 years ago
I have the same issue in Multisite project. The first click will work but when i get back to the backend tab and do some changes save and then i click view. the frontend will not refresh.
TYPO3 11.5.23
In the console i see this : Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "https://subdomain.***.info" from accessing a cross-origin frame.