Bug #92353
openTypoScript ObjectBrowser and TemplateAnalyzer include hidden records
The typoscript object browser module displays typoscript from hidden typoscript records.
If you override e.g. page.10.value with "test" in an hidden typoscript record, the object browser would display it as if the value is set.
In FE this override will be correctly ignored.
In the template analyzer module all hidden typoscript templates are displayed, even the hidden ones.
Maybe this is wanted, but the hidden typoscript templates are not marked as hidden.
If the templates should not be listed here, it is the same problem as in the object browser. If they should be listed but marked as hidden, it most likely is an other issue.
The templates are listed and parsed since $queryBuilder->setRestrictions($this->queryBuilderRestrictions); in web/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/TypoScript/TemplateService.php is set to ignore hidden check (backend visibility context).
This problem occurs in TYPO3 9 and 10.