Bug #92368
openPersistedAliasMapper: 404 error when linking to a non-translated news record
I get 404 errors on news detail pages in any translated language since the changes in the function resolve() from the following commit: https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/commit/bd69d119a0a23381c358352b986c2466f600defb#diff-3497563e488963132628f6dc63ee879b
My website is configured in free mode.
If a news record has no translation, the URL is generated from the original news record path_segment and pointing to the translated detail page. With versions prior to 9.5.19 the original news was displayed on the translated page. Now I get a 404 error, because the path_segment in the URL does not match any translated news record path_segment.
If I overwrite the new PersistedAliasMapper resolve function with a custom mapper containing the previous function, the expected behaviour works again.
I think this change is causing the issue:
resolve function line 146-148 old version:
$result = $this->getPersistenceDelegate()->resolve([
$this->routeFieldName => $value
Was changed to:
$result = $this->findByRouteFieldValue($value);
Can you please check this issue?