Bug #93930
closedCopy of CE with translation leads to duplicates
Copying a element with a translation to another language also copies other translations of that element.
This can lead to duplicate elements within one language.
Steps to recreate:
- New installation with 2 Languages
- Create a page with one text element
- Translate the page in one language and translate with connected mode
- Translate the page with the second language
- Copy text element from default to the second page translation
Result is that the first translation has the text element twice. The duplicate has the l18n_parent set to the copied Element.
This Bug is also present in 9.5.
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #82314: Copying content to other language creates duplicates added
Updated by Jo Hasenau over 3 years ago
It should not be possible to copy elements from any language to a target language other than default while in connected mode.
Reason: In connected mode, the default language has got the lead over each target language. So each and every element that should be present in the target language needs a parent element in the default language.
So the bug in this case is not the behaviour after the copy action, but that the copy action is possible in the first place.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 8 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version deleted (
Candidate for patchlevel)
I close this issue as actually it is a duplicate of #82314 please continue the discussion there; thank you.